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When Jordan work up again he and Johnny Ghost were each laying on a couch with Johnny Toast standing over them.

"Oh," he said seeing them both awake, "I was starting to worry. When you both fainted, I thought maybe something was wrong. But you both seem to be doing just fine now."

"Yeah," Ghost said rubbing the back of his head, "What happened to us."

Jordan sat up and thought for a second.

"I think I know."

Jordan and the ghost hunters then proceeded to exchange information that the narrator refused to repeat because she already typed it up in the last chapter and she is sure you don't want to read it again. It was boring enough to write the first time.

"So, we should just call you Jordan?" Ghost seemed incredibly confused by all this.

"Yeah." Jordan was equally confused.

"I just want to ask about one thing," Toast asked.


"If you chose Sir, does that mean-"

"Yeah," Jordan replied. "I get some effect from Jimmy. I just don't know what."

Toast thought for a minuet. This was definitely strange. They had had travelers from other dimensions before, sure, but this was different. Jordan was from the first dimension, the hardest to reach. No one from there had ever come through before. The dimensional barriers were the hardest to move through at that point.

"I know," Toast said. "Follow me."

Ghost and Jordan both got up to follow but Jordan stopped. "Wait a minuet."

"What is it other Sir?"

"First of all, don't call me that. Second of all, I'M SHORTER!"

When he had first arrived, Jordan was almost the same height as Toast. Now He was barely to his shoulder, the same as Ghost. He looked down at his shredded Venturiantale hoodie, which was now a few sizes too big for him. He couldn't believe it.

Ghost shook his head. "We'll deal with that later. Now what was your idea Toast?"

"Oh right." Toast led them into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. He turned to the others.

"Toast don't you dare do what I think you're doing." Ghost and Jordan backed up, although Jordan wasn't entirely sure why. His instincts were screaming that this was a bad idea.

"I'm sorry Sirs, but this is the only way to test it."

Jordan and Ghost both looked at each other, sharing a silent conversation. They nodded and turned back to Toast.

"Okay Johnny, go ahead."

Toast braced himself as he made a small cut on his arm with the knife. Blood began to leak from the cut as he held it out to the other two. both of them starred at it for a few seconds before turning away, muttering psychotically. This went on for a bit before they both fell to the floor holding their heads and laughing. Toast backed away carefully. When they got up again they had bright red eyes and were smiling widely. Ghost had become Jimmy and Jordan had become someone else.

"Hello," they both said at the same time and in the same voice. "I'm gonna put ya in a casket, because my name, is Jimmy Casket."

Jimmy looked at the person beside him. "But I'm Jimmy Casket. We can't both be Jimmy Casket."

"Then who am I?"

Jimmy pulled out his knife and thought for a moment (Which, if the narrator may say, was probably difficult for him. he he.).

"I know! You can be James Coffin. It sounds like Jimmy Casket but is completely different."

"Yes," Toast said. "Completely different." (Toast is feeling very sarcastic today)

"Shut up I like it." James grabbed the knife of the counter and began walking towards Toast. "Would you like to know my secret?"

James ran at Toast and was about to stab him when Jimmy grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Hold on bud. I would love to stab Toast too, but Johnny and I have an agreement. I don't kill Toast, and he keeps Knifey with him at all times."

James lowered the knife but kept smiling. "Alright fine. What do we do now then?"

"Now," Toast said, "I need to talk to both sirs. So could you two please leave. I have many things to discuss with them."

Alright another chapter. As the narrator I was in a very cheeky mood today (did I just say cheeky? I need to lay off the Danisnotonfire videos for a while). Anyway, I was trying to think of a name for evil Jordan and James Coffin was the best I came up with, and I absolutely love how stupid it is. Okay that is all for this time. If you LIKED it, leave a like, leave a comment, and we will see YOU next time. *Salutes*

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