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When the siblings woke up, the room around them was completely black. They could just make out that the room was small with no ways of entry or exit.                                                                   

"Venturian, ImmortalKyodi, Bethanyfrye, and HomelessGoomba," boomed a voice from all around them. "Your YouTube channel has reach over one million subscribers. Now you must prove that you are worthy of this great honor."                                                                                                       

"How," yelled Jordan.                                                                                                                                                         

"OH, MARK! LET ME TELL THEM!" Another voice joined the first.                                                                   

"Felix be quiet. You're ruining the awesomeness," replied the first voice.                                                   

"OH JUST TELL THEM ALREADY," yelled a third voice.                                                                                         

"Wait a second," said Bethany. "I know who you are. You're Markiplier, Pewdiepie, and Jacksepticeye."                                                                                                                                                                     

As she finished her sentence, the three YouTubers appeared before the siblings. It was indeed the gamer holy trinity.                                                                                                                                                   

"That's us," said Jacksepticeye. "But you can just call us Sean, Mark, and Felix."                                   

"Yes," said Felix. "And we are the mighty gods of YouTube."                                                                             

"Really?" Cierra eyed them skeptically.                                                                                                                     

"Well, no," replied Mark. "But we have all reached a million subs and passed the test to prove it, now it's your turn."                                                                                                                                                       

"What do we have to do?" Jordan began to grow worried.                                                                               

"Each of you will choose to be paired with one of your characters. You will take on that character's skills and attributes and work with them and each other to complete your tasks. You will be allowed three deaths each before you are sent back out to the real world. If at least one of you survives to the end you all win. If all of you lose then you will be sent back in time one month to try again."                                                                                                                                                             

Jordan thought for a moment before replying. "So when you say attributes you mean-"                   

"The good and the bad," Sean said.                                                                                                                             

"So if I were to choose Jimmy Casket...."                                                                                                                   

Felix nodded. "But, if you were to choose Johnny Ghost, you would have practically the same skills with less of the thirst for blood."                                                                                                                         

"Well, then I guess I choose Johnny Ghost. He's probably one of the least annoying characters I have. And the smartest, aside from Spencer."                                                                                               

"Alright," said Mark. "What about you Cierra?"                                                                                                       

"I'll choose Sally. She may not be the smartest but she is one of the toughest and has connections with the Creepypastas."                                                                                                                           

"Makes sense," replied Sean. "Bethany?"                                                                                                                 

"I think I'll go with Aimee. I don't have a reason, I just like her."                                                                     

"Questionable logic but okay," Felix laughed. "And last but not least, Isaac."                                         

"I'll go with..... umm... Billy. He is a medic after all. That could come in handy."                                     

"Okay, now that we have that settled let's get you on your way." Mark waved his hand and four portals appeared, one in front of each sibling. A blue one for Jordan, a purple one for Cierra, a green one for Bethany, and a black one for Isaac. The siblings did a quick group hug then each stepped up to their respective portal.                                                                                                                     

"Good luck," called the Mark as they left.                                                                                                                   

"You're going to need it," finished Sean.

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