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I woke up in a tree. I'm not even joking. My clothes were tangled and torn by the branches and as I struggled, the situation only got worse. I was so busy untangling myself that I didn't notice the person below me.

"Ummmm......are you Venturian?"

"Yeah. Wait you know who I am?  Never mind, we can talk about that after I get down from here."

"Good idea. I'll have Johnny get you down. Johnny!"

Another person stuck his head out the door of the building by the tree. "Yes sir?"

"Get the ladder."


"Because Venturian is in our tree and I can't get him down because there are birds up there and you know how I feel about them."

The other man laughed and shook his head before going back inside. He back out a few minutes later with a ladder. He propped it up against the tree and started climbing up. When he reached me he helped me untangle myself then climbed down while I followed.

When I got the ground I shook hands with my savior and then went to shake hands with the per son who had found me. The second our hands touched I blacked out.

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