Chapter 12

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3rd person

Hiccup lay on the stone floor, aching on the inside and out. He was half naked, showing the bruises and cuts the guards gave him a couple hours ago. He started to hear screaming coming from down the hallway.

"Stop! You are being let go pretty and your dragon! Stop squirming!" A guard shouted, looking really pissed at the girl he was holding. Heather. Her screams and struggles got louder when she passed the motionless Hiccup on the floor. "Hiccup!" she shouted before being dragged away again.

She exited the Cell Hall and was let go. She rubbed her arms because of the pain that was created from the guards grip. "Windshear?" She ran up to her dragon, holding it's head under her arm before scowling at the guard. "You are free to go," he said, unlocking the door to freedom. The cool wind waved through her hair and she took off.

"Now take us to the Edge," Ross unmasked his face and walked back down the hall, passing Hiccup again.
He unlocked the cell gate and walked in. He lifted Hiccup up and placed his back gently on the floor. He moved Hicup's hair out of his eyes before he woke up. Hiccup was about to gasp when he felt warm hands cover his mouth.

He struggled a bit before giving up and slouching on the wall. "What do you want?" he croaked, scowling at Ross. Ross wen closer we to him, his lips brushing against Hiccup's ear, send bolts off lightning down his spine. "I want y-" before he could finish he saw Viggo standing at the door.

"Can you leave me and Hiccup for a while, we have so much to discuss." Ross nodded, getting up off the floor and leaving. It was just Hiccup and Viggo now in the cell, Viggo went up to Hiccup and unchained his hands before bringing a knife to his back and pushing him to his chambers.

When they reached Viggo's office, he scowled at Hiccup." Please take a seat," he gestured before sitting in his throne. He looked at Hiccup and gave him dirty smile. "So Hiccup..."

Back at the edge

"We need to think of a plan, I am gonna regret asking this but Twins do you have a plan to get Hiccup back?"

"Well sister," Tuffnut said in a sassy manner "we do, right so basically, we find Viggo's camp then we blow it up! Cool right." Most of the gang face palmed except for his idiot of a sister who clapped. Astrid looked at him "Tuffnet, how are we gonna rescue Hiccup, if we...BLOW THE WHOLE GOD DAMN ISLAND UP!" she screamed, placing her two index fingers on her temple. "Anything else?" She asked looking at only Fishlegs and Snotlout.

"Well, beens as we know where about the island is we could send someone to that spot then they could terror mail us what is going on, we just need try to figure something out then," Fishlegs suggested, receiving a smile from Astrid. "Okay, but who is gonna be our spy?" Fishlegs gave an evil laugh before saying "Gustave".

Ross could hear shouts and screams coming from Viggo's chambers. He walked past the cells until he reached his sister's. He unlocked the door and strutted over to the limp figure on the floor.

" Raven? Pss  Raven?" He received a small whine. "Good to know you are okay?"

"I've felt better," she snapped looking up, "did you have to hit me that hard in front of Snotlout?" She asked scowling at her brother.

"It needed to look believable, sorry for following the plan!" he pouted receiving a small punch from Raven. He looked at her and enveloped her, feeling her hot breath on his sensitive neck. "What about you, are you okay?" she asked, her voice muffled from being crushed into Ross's shoulder.

"I guess, Viggo doesn't suspect anythin' so we just gotta hope this is worth it, by the way when are gona tell Hiccup cuz I was gonna tell 'im  until Viggo came in," he whispered, letting Raven out of his death grip.

He heard footsteps coming a stood up quickly, two guards (the two that hurt Hiccup) passed and asked what he was doing. "Just telling this rodent how much scum she is for not joining Viggo," he snarled, making the guards laugh and walk back. When the were about of sight he sighed deeply.

"Bit harsh don't ya think, rodent...scum, ya wanna die!" Raven whined, crossing her shackled arms over her chest.

"Look it has to be like this until we save Hiccup and his friends then we can introduce him," he whispered the last part, receiving a disapproved look. "Don't give me that look, geesh, I am trying my best."

"Just be careful I don't want to lose you like dad," Raven sadly said, Ross leaned in a and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "You won't but if you do keep the mission going don't my death destroy everything we worked for," he smiled standing up and walking out the cell, "trust me," before closing the do and walking off.

"I trust you," she said before sleep taking over her.

I am back, I am a terrible author. I tried to update last week but got caught off guard so I promise that won't happen again...hopefully.

Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter if you did then please vote and listen to the song, Idk really know why I put there I just really like the song. See ya bye!!

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