Chapter 4: Drax

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I was sleeping soundly in my room at the prison when I hear a commotion outside. I get up and see Gamora being led away by some guys. I get up and open my door to see Quill and Rocket coming my way.

Me: What's going on?

Quill and Rocket shrug their shoulders and keep walking. I follow them into a wash room where Gamora his being held my two people. There's a third that's talking to a guy with blue skin and red tattoos.

Guy: Your Drax the destroyer, you've killed hundreds of Romans minions.

Drax: Ronan murdered my wife, Hoven and my daughter Comairia. He slaughtered them where they stood and HE LAUGHED. Her life is not yours to take. He killed my family; I'll kill one of his in return.

The guy then hands Drax his knife. Gamora Fights the two people holding her and then grabs their knives. She puts them to Drax's and the other guys thought.

Gamora: I am no family to Ronan or Thanos.

Gamora then steps back and drops the knives.

Gamora: I'm your only hope at stopping him.

Drax then grabs Gamora by the thought and pushes her against the wall.

Drax: Woman your words mean nothing to me.

As Drax lifts the knife to Gamora's thought Quill runs out and tries to stop Drax. I pinch the bridge of my nose.

Rocket: Oh crap.

Rocket whispers.

Quill: You know if this is really your true sole purpose then I really don't think that this is the best way to go about it.

Drax: Is this no the man that this wench attempted to kill?

Quill: Well this is hardly the first time someone has tried to do that to me.

Quill then goes on to talk about all the girls he's been with and how many have tried to kill him. I roll my eyes and soon he stops.

Quill: You don't care but hears the point she betrayed Ronan, he's coming back for her and that when you.

Quill put his finger on his thought and moved it around his knack. He clearly doesn't know that Drax's kind don't get metaphors.

Drax: Why would I put my finger on his thought?

Quill: Oh no this is a symbol for you slicing his thought.

Drax: I would not slice his thought, I would cut his head clean off.

Quill: It's a general exasperation. You've seen this right?

Quill turns to another guy in the room.

Guy: Yea Yea.

Quill: Everyone knows.

Guy: No no.

Quill shakes his head.

Quill: What I'm saying is that you want to keep her alive. Don't do his work for him.

Drax thinks for a minute and then lets Gamora go. Drax then looks at his knife.

Drax: I like your knife I'm keeping it.

Guy: But that was my favourite knife.

Drax and the guy then leaves and we follow Gamora out the room.

Gamora: Why did you save me?

Quill: Listen I could care less weather you lived or died.

Gamora stops walking and turns to quill.

Gamora: Then why stop the big guy?

Quill: Simple, you know where to sell my orb.

Gamora: And how are we going to sell it when we and it are still here.

Quill: My friend Rocket here has escaped 22 prisons.

Rocket: We're getting out and then we're heading straight to Yando to collect your bounty.

Quill: How much is your buyer willing to pay?

Gamora: 4,000,000 units.

Rocket: What?

Me: Are you series?

Gamora: That orb is my opportunity to get away from Ronan and Thanos. If you free us, I'll lead you to the buyer directly and split the profit between the 4 of us.

That's sounds good. Groot then apes thought the bars.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: 5 of us. Asleep for the danger, awake for the money as per fracking usual.

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