Chapter 3: Medical

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Rocket's POV:

After being separated washed and changed we're all shoved into the prison area of the Kyln but I feel like something is missing. I look around and realise Kathy isn't here. I start to freak and anger builds up inside me. Where is she? What are they doing to her? Groot puts a hand on my shoulder and I calm down a little. We walk further into the prison until I see a big blue dude annoying Quill. I nod to Groot and Groot sticks his two fingers into the blue guy's nostrils and lifts him into the air.

Rocket: This one here's our booty, if you want to get to him, you go through us or more accurately we go though you.

Groot lets go of the guy and we walk off and quill follows. That outburst kinda got some of my anger out but now I'm just worried.

Kathy's POV:

I'm led into the medical room and they do scans of my side to see if I'm ok. Luckily its ok but I will have a big bruise there later. They check the rest of me and bandage up a cut on my arm that I didn't even know I had. When they were done they take me to the prison part of the Kyln and push me in. I sigh and look around. It's hard to find some one with all these people around but I'm in luck. I go up to the second floor to find Rocket and Groot talking to Quill.

Rocket: Babe.

Rocket grabs my waist and I pat his head. Soon he lets go.

Rocket: Are you ok? What did they do to you? I'm gonna rip their heads off...

I kiss him just to shut him up.

Me: Rocket I'm fine they just took me to the medical bay that's all.

Rocket: That's all. How can you act like that's all. Are you really ok?

Me: Rocket, I'm fine just some cuts and bruises.

I kiss him again and then quill specks up.

Quill: Sooooo you two are, like, Together?

Me, Rocket: Yea, you got a problem.

Quill shakes his head no and then we all walk to our own sells to sleep for the night.

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