Chapter 13 : Little surprise ;)

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We made it to the Nova Core headquarters and got bandaged up and changed into some fresh cloths. I came out of the changing room to see Rocket waiting for me. He smiles at me and in his hands is a plat pot filled with dirt and a little twig sticking out of it. I smile and we start walking.

Me: So you took my advice.

Rocket: Thanks Kat.

Me: Oh and Rocket. Is you ever do something as stupid as fly our ship into another one I will personally skin you and make you into a hat and gloves.

Rocket laughs.

Rocket: You wouldn't.

Me: Your right I wouldn't but I thought I might as well say it any way.

We make it into the room that Quill and Gamora are in and soon Drax comes in as well.

Lady: Your friends have arrived; on behalf of the Nova Core we would like to express out profound gratitude for your help in saving xandar. If you will follow Daniran Day he has something to show you.

We all follow him out into the back of the building to see quills ship that had just finished being rebuilt. I looks as good as new but at least it's clean.

Daniran: We tried to keep it as close to the original as possible, salvage as much as we could.

Quill: Wow, thank you.

Daniran: I have a family, their alive because of you. Your criminal record have also been expunged however I have to warn you about barking any more laws in the future.

Rocket: Question what if I see something that I want to take but it belonged to someone else.

Daniran: Well you'll be arrested.

Rocket: Well what if I want it more than the person that has it.

Daniran: still illegal.

Rocket: wait that doesn't follow, I want it more sir, do you understand.

Me and Gamora laugh at him and move him away from the others.

Rocket: What I can't have a deduction with this gentleman?

We get to the ship and me and Rocket find our room. The others do their own thing while me and Rocket unpack. After a while of unpacking I start to get bored so I start to dance the music that quill is playing. Just near the end of the song Rocket calls me and I turn around to see him on the bed on one knee with and box in his hand. In the box is a ring. I cover my mouth with my hand.

Rocket: Kathy. I love you so much and I can't imagine what my life would be like without you. So will you. Will you marry me?

I can help but smile and I walk over to him.

Me: I will.

I smile wider when Rocket smiles and slips the ring onto my finger. He stands up onto the bed and we kiss. I can't believe it. After we pull away and have to ask.

Me: So was this why you needed the money?

Rocket: Yea I thought you might like one that wasn't stolen.

I laugh and thank him. We then kiss again and then head to the cockpit. I sit in the passenger chair and Rocket sits on my lap with groot on his lap. I look down at the twig and see it grow arms and yarn. I tap Rocket on the shoulder and point at Groot. Rocket smiles as Groot starches his arms out for a hug. Rocket puts his hand out and Groot hugs it. Everyone else takes their seats.

Quill: What should we do next, something good, something bad, bit of both.

Gamora walks up behind Quill's chair.

Gamora: We'll follow your lead, Star Lord.

Quill: Bit of both.

We then fly away from Xandar.

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