Chapter 6 : What's a Box gonna do?

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After a while everyone goes off and does their own thing. I'm sitting across from Rocket fixing one of my guns while Rocket is building something. I look up from what I am doing to see Rocket staring at me.

Me: What's wrong?

Rocket: Nothing.

I then realise that my top is showing the bruise on my side and the bandage up cut on my arm. I cover my side with my cut arm.

Rocket: She got you good.

I smile and stock him behind the ear.

Me: Stop worrying, you know I hate it when you do that.

Rocket smiles and leans into my hand. We stay like that for a while until Rocket pulls me in for a kiss. We get back to what we are doing and then Quill comes over.

Peter: wo wo wo ranger rick, what are you doing? You can't take apart my ship without asking me. See what is this?

Quill goes to touch the bomb but Rocket stops him.

Rocket: Don't touch that, it's a bomb.

Quill stands up strait and didn't look happy.

Quill: And you leave it lying around.

Rocket: I was going to put it in a box.

Rocket says as he opens one of the draws next to him.

Quill: What's a box going to do?

Rocket then picks up what looks like a present.

Rocket: What about this one?

Quill: No wo.

Quill then kicks Rocket's hand and closes the draw with the present inside.

Quill: Hay leave it alone.

Rocket: Why what is it?

Quill: Shut up.

Rocket: Hay.

Quill then points at the stuff in front of me and I look down to see what it is.

Peter: What's that?

Rocket looks at quill and smirks at him.

Rocket: That's for when things get really hard-core. Or for if you want to blow up moons.

Quill shakes his head and walks over to the table as Gamora walks in.

Gamora: No one's blowing up moons.

Rocket: You just what to suck the joy out of everything.

I pat Rockets head and listen to Gamora and Quill's conversation.

Quill: So listen I'm gonna need your buyer's coordinates.

Gamora: We're heading in the right direction.

Quill: If we're gonna work together you might want to trust me a little.

Gamora: And how much do you trust me?

Quill: I'd trust you a lot more is you told me what this is.

Quill takes the orb and puts it on the table.

Quill: Because I'm guessing it's some kind of weapon.

Everyone makes there way over to the table.

Gamora: I don't know what it is.

Drax then picks up the orb.

Drax: If it's a weapon then we should use it agents Ronan.

Gamora: Put it down you fool you'll destroy us all.

Drax: Or just you murders.

Gamora then gets in Drax's face.

Gamora: I let you live ONCE princess.

Drax: I am not a princess.

Quill: Hay. That's enough. Nobody is killing anybody on my ship. We're stock together until we get the money.

Drax then troughs the orb to quill who catches it with one hand.

Drax: I have no interest in money.

Drax then walks off.

Peter: Grate that means more money for the 4 of us.

Groot then walks over and groans at Quill.

Peter: for the 5 of us, partners.

Gamora: We had an agreement but I will never be partners with the likes of you. I'll tell the buyer were on our way. And quill your ship is filthy.

Gamora then walks off and Quill watches her. When she is gone Peter turns to me and Rocket.

Quill: Oh she has no idea. If I had a black light this place would look like a Jackson polo painting.

He then nods his head and looks very pleased with himself. That comment makes me feel sick.

Rocket: You go issues quill.

Me and Rocket walk off and get back to what we were doing.

Me: Rocket?

Rocket: Yea sweetheart?

Me: Why are we staying with these people? I know you want the money and all but if Ronan is after the orb then why are we sticking around?

Rocket Sighs and puts a hand on my knee.

Rocket: Because I need the money.

Me: Why?

Rocket: I can't tell you babe. I'm sorry but can we please drop this.

I nod my head and he kisses me and I kiss back. After a while Quill asks Rocket to drive the ship so I'm left alone cleaning my gun.

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