Chapter 7 : Talk

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After a while Gamora comes over to me and sits next to me. I put my gun away and face her. She flashes me a smile and I do the same.

Gamora: How's your side?

Me: Alright how's your face?

Gamora: Alright but I think you bruised my nose.

She says rubbing her nose and we both laugh.

Gamora: How did you learn to fight like that?

Me: My farther taught me a couple of things and then I guess I just learned the rest while fighting other people.

Gamora: I've been wanting to ask you something since we talked in the prison.

Me: Go ahead.

Gamora: What are you doing out here? I mean you don't look like you belong here.

Me: Does anyone really belong? But I know what you're saying. I ran away from home about 7 years ago because of my dad.

Gamora: What do you mean "because of your dad"?

Me: My mother died and my farther blamed it on me so he hurt me and one night I couldn't take it anyone and ran.

Gamora: How did you meet rocket?

Me: It was the same night I ran away it started to rain and I found shelter in an alleyway. It just so happens that Rocket and Groot were in that alleyway as well.

Gamora smiles.

Me: What?

Gamora: So you and the Rodent then.

Me: He is not a rodent and yea so?

Gamora: How did that happen?

Me: Why do you want to know?

Gamora: I'm curious

Me: Tell you what? If you tell me what it was like growing up under Thanos then I'll tell you how me and Rocket got together. Deal?

Gamora thinks for a moment then looks around to see that no one is in the room. She then turns back to me.

Gamora: Deal. It wasn't pretty growing up around Thanos. He killed my family right in front of me and took me. He made me into a living weapon I lived only to kill. When I met nebula my adopted sister, life was a little better. She helped me and was there for me but as we grew up there was more expected of us and we went on different missions. A year ago I started working on a plan to escape but I couldn't think of anything that would work until a couple of weeks ago and you know the rest.

Me: I'm sorry no one should have to go through that. I was captured my some scientists and Rocket saved me. While recovering, we kinda just contest that was about 4 years ago and we've been together ever since.

Gamora: Really? That long?

I nod my head and somehow I feel closer to Gamora.

Saving the galaxy (Sequel to I will always love you)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن