#55 Mistakes

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When tears meet blood,
They mix into,
A horrifying puddle,
Collecting beneath me
On the cold hard bathroom floor.
Time stops,
The clocks shut up,
Under the command of
My loud sadness.
Droplets of sweat
Join the party of fluid emotion,
Which I've wanted to expel.
They multiply exponentially,
I have no time
To stop them,
They come with new fervency,
Sickening, but not for some.
A calmness,
Then you cry,
Before seeing a pool of red staining
Your torn shirt.
Torn like
The heart that struggles to
Pump, to support.
Maybe the skies have cleared,
Or my eyes have started
To blur to cancel away
The colours of cold, hard
Depression, as we
Name it.

Just a split second of hope,
It vanishes equally fast.
Draining me,
The sky darkens,
My soul descends
Into the tenebrous pits
Of unrequited dread.
The loyalty,
Cries out to me,
Tears at my flesh,
I have to reconnect
Come back,
My lungs ache with
The lack of oxygen, the
Lack of love.
Nothing breaks me anymore,
For I've shattered,
The pieces jagged and sharp,
Beware of me.
Keep your distance.

Isolation the only
Cure for the terminal illness
Of the warring that
Just would not stop,
As it now lies
Embedded as part of me,
A fallen soldier,
Wailing in solitude,
The dark caressing
My pain,
To intensify.

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