#28 Finally

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The air is new,
So are the colours,
Of the beautiful,
Picturesque scenery.
A new vibrancy,
An original filter,
Livens the picture.
The power,
Hidden in the scenery alone,
Has propelled me forward.
Leaving me almost dead,
At the finish line,
But it allowed me,
To cross the finish line,
And my limits.
Gratitude swells,
In the pit of my heart.
Who has contributed?
A splash,
A drop,
Of the freshest,
Highest quality,
Love, sincerity,
And affection.
Hearty laughter,
No longer hollow,
But filled with,
Genuine emotions,
Fills the room up to the brim.

It's finally here,
After so long,
Much awaiting.
Something so real,
It touches my heart,
And heals,
All its battlewound.
A cacophony of,
Wondrous melodies,
Encased in a small room,
Crammed into my ears.
It's so much,
My jar of emotions,
Gleams a jarring,
Harsh light,
What should have blinded,
Deafened me,
Only strengthened me,
This one special time.

Fatigue swallows up,
My entire being,
My mobility decreased,
To a near zero.
The picture,
A wonderful breakthrough it was,
Flashes into my mind,
And occupy every,
Nook and cranny in it.
The colours,
Lights and sounds,
Flood my mind,
But I do not drown,
I'm thriving,
After months,
Of staying a dormant bean.

A seedling sprouting,
It's first pair of leaves,
What a great accomplishment it is.
I've achieved.
Capability of mine,
I stretch.
Break and bend,
Fractures and sorrows,
All part of the,
It's integrated.
Pushing my bodies in every way,
For my picture,
The light and sound,
I hold so dearly to my heart,
To increase in its size,
A most magnificent,
Piece of work,
Representing me.

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