#64 Cuberoot, zero, non.

5 3 0

Pound the drums
And make the sound
So much louder till
Our hearts rattle and manages
To shake some tears
Which will
Stream down
Our cracked faces.

To not let the tears infiltrate
And deep into the hairline cracks
Which will be concealed
By layer after layer
Of lies and

Pound the drums
Till we wake up
With numbed senses
Two days after.
Where did that one day go?

Straight down,
Jump in with the others
We'll tour the real world
Maybe in real time,
With a pinch of
Heartfelt emotions.

Pound the drums louder,
The cracks are widening
Let it fall away
Into where all
The dark things should go,
It's eternal dwelling place.

The music we know
As salvation and faith
Reverberates throughout
The cavernous hall.
Drop to your knees,
We'll pour
Your tears over you.

Drape you in
The finest of cloths,
So pure
It purifies.

Drag the marble slates
Across the floor
Feel the pain in your
Fingers, feet,
The blood will drip
And stain
But it draws a smile
On your pale face.

Reddened eyes
Reddened smiles
It's the kingdom
Of the non.

Just My PoemsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora