#54 For You.

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Running through the forest
In tattered clothing,
I've never felt richer.
Hearts filled to the brim,
With priceless gratitude.

Walking next to you,
The grumbling of my stomach stops,
Replaced with incessant heartbeats,
Defiant when I told them to quiet down.
The journey with you just beginning,
Holding on tight to each other,
Let's jump.

The wind stabs at my cracked skin,
The blistery wind a war zone.
We jumped, got hydrated,
Our hearts fresh with happiness.
Will this change?

The picture got erased,
We landed on ice,
Time shifted to Antarctica,
Will this change?
The artist has just warmed up.

The dictator is painfully tyranny,
We seek help,
Knuckles white from gripping
Each other's hand.
Deep down,
We're both lost, in the frozen tundra.

A tinge of warmth tickles my heart,
I grasp onto it,
It expands,
Spreads itself.
A parka made of love,
Enveloped in a mystical orange red.

However, I saw you
On the ground,
The ice consuming you,
The icicles forming on my cheeks.
Screaming desperately, but you,
A steamy oven, I caress
Your warm lips once more,
Before returning the parka,
When time's ripe.

Wait for me.

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