#32 Box

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In a confined space,
Nowhere to run,
Let loose of all,
The bottled up energy.
It has to be released,
The pressure within me,
Rising slowly.
I might burst,
A force so large,
It destroys everything,
But here in this room,
There's nothing,
Not at all,
A suffocating darkness,
Surrounds and chokes me.
I do not know,
Where are the edges,
I've never hit a wall.
Seemingly endless,
Driving me insane,
My sanity is depleting,
My energy and patience,
I sense a pair of eyes,
Staring down at me,
The heaviest of weight,
Pressed down on my shoulders,
Someone get me out of here.

No matter where,
I grope,
I find and touch nothing.
It will make you better,
That's what they all claim,
A conspiracy theory,
Debunked through my suffering.
The silence incredibly loud,
Punching my eardrums,
Bruising it.
I'm injured eternally,
And this torture should have healed,
But what they say,
Can never be true,
Building trust,
Now made impossible.
I'm scared,
No feeling of love and warmth,
Vulnerable to lies and abuse,
It's the hard blunt truth,
Sugar rots your teeth and brains.
Coating the dreadful poison,
Over your words,
I see right through them,
I've been fooled one time too many.

Hitting a wall,
Earning myself a bloody nose,
Blood trickling,
Flooding my shirt with red,
Flooding my mind with relief.
Treading precautiously,
Have their cameras,
Pinned me down?
They cut my flesh open,
Extract my precious memories,
Implant a chip,
To locate me whenever,
I'm always watched,
It's so dangerous,
Even in the comforts,
Of seemingly nothing at all.
We think we are safe,
When are we ever?
An internal battle,
The bustling city life,
Too risky,
Surveillance is tough, strict,
In the hot weather,
Out of extreme fear,
Shivering wildly,
Cold sweat,
Sweeping me off my feet,
Married to my greatest fear,
Ridden with insecurities.

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