#44 Coffee

13 3 1

The battery within me,
Dies a little everyday,
I try to charge it,
But it depletes even more.
Termed as broken?
It's more than that,
A new form of being,
Sapped of motivation,

Lifelong charger,
Forever plugged in,
Red alarms go off,
It's not helping,
The rain is pelting,
I can't help but feel,
Like I've been damaged.

Not neglected at all,
Loved and well-cared,
Yet what I reflect,
Tells a different story
A walking allegory,
I want this to stop.

A technician to step in,
To fix my malfunctioning,
Body which doesn't
Want to cooperate.
The battery's always flat,
Like my lips,
Which no longer curve.

The technician, my doctor,
Gives me the drugs,
That fills me back up,
Bottle after bottle,
Of medicine everyday,
A large dosage of,
Caffeine beans.

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