#2 Freed

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I run,
My footsteps,
And full of fear.
They're near,
Catching up.
The gap is closing,
I must be faster.
My heartbeat impossibly fast,
Fatigue apparent,
Pumping through my veins.
I have to stop,
I can't.

Tears of fear,
Squeezing out,
Of my bloodshot eyes.
Tortured for too long,
On the verge of snapping.
A chance to escape,
Quickly diminishing.

I'm not fast enough,
They're too strong.
I'm powerless,
A mere victim.
Not able,
To protect myself.
I'm a dummy,
To be played with,
A toy,
That will be discarded,
Sooner or later.
I wish it were soon,
But they held on to me.
Making it sooner,

The dark woods look over me,
My vision impeded,
Where to go?

The flame within me,
Erupts with a vengeance.
Tired of this inequality,
Tired of being held,
With lost freedom,
Submitting fully.

I fall to the ground,
Vision darkening,
Without any anxiety,
I allow,
The end of the sentence,
Drawing the full stop,
That would put me out,
Of my once eternal misery.

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