"Yes.." Alex replied squeezing my hand.

"Alrighty, the doctor will be here soon to take it.  I'd also like one from you, Elizabeth.  To make sure you don't have it." He replied putting his clipboard to his side. "Just some quick questions, where have you been in the last month?" 

"He went to Africa with the state to view their law system." I swallowed putting my other hand on top of Alex's.

"And did he have his vaccine?" The doctor questioned.

"No.." I swallowed once more.

"Alrighty, we'll have his diagnoses soon.  If you'd like to sleep here tonight, we'll bring you a cot to sleep on." He mentioned looking at me again.

"Sure." I answered as the doctor walked out, and another in.

"Hello, I was just wondering if you have a list of people able to visit," He said taking a seat.  "Can we start with children?" 

"Alright.  Philip Hamilton, Angelica Hamilton Jackson." I paused waiting for him to write down. "Alexander Hamilton Jr, James Alexander Hamilton, William Hamilton, John Church Hamilton, Elizabeth Hamilton, and Philip Hamilton.." 

"You have two sons named Philip?" He questioned and I nodded my head. "Alright, any relatives?" 

"Angelica Schuyler Church, Margarita Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Alyssa Hamilton Jefferson." I noted knowing Alyssa had married Thomas. 

"Thank you," He said leaving and handing me a paper with the names copied down. "Just stick that on the door for now."  I saw a nurse come in to bring the cot and then the doctor who needed to take our blood.

"Would you like the butterfly needle?" She asked.

"Yes, thank you." I replied as she prepared my arm and took my blood.  She then moved on to Alexander.  After she was finished she put them into a special zip lock baggy to take them to the lab.  I stood up and lay beside Alex.  He turned over a bit, trying not to fidget with his breathing tube, or IV too much.  He put his free hand around me and looked into my eyes.  I heard walking down the hall so I quickly jumped up to sit and saw Angelica walk in.

"Elizie!" She smiled hugging me.

"Hi, Angie." I said weakly.

"How's Alex?" She questioned redirecting her attention.

"Very sick.." I replied.  And Angelica gave a little giggle.

"Karma," She laughed a little. "He got you pregnant eight times, now he gets to experience the pain." She motioned to my stomach. 

"Heh." I laughed a bit looking back at Alex. 

"Where are the kids?" She asked and I looked back at her.

"Philip's at Theo's field trip.  Angelica went on a vacation to Paris with Thomas.  Alex is out of town.  James is at work, supposed to be coming later today.  William's at work as well, same with John.  Eliza is in University, along with Philip they're coming with James. " I explained as Angelica hugged me again.  

"Why don't we go get lunch," She said. "Alexander's sleeping.  I know a lunch place around the corner, we could get something for him as well." She grabbed my hand as I looked back at Alex.

"Okay." I smiled tucking him in and following Angelica to her car. 

"We'll just order our food and get something for Alex." She explained as we drove there.  We got out and a waitress took us to our seats.  We ordered our meals then I ordered a little meal for Alex.  It arrived quickly and we ate. "Did they take your blood?" Angelica asked looking up from her plate.

"Mhm.  They want to make sure I don't have it.." I responded as the waitress came back and told us our total.  We split the bill and she put Alex's food into a little container as we made our way back.  

"Eliza, I have to go pick up my grandchildren from school.  I'll come back on Wednesday maybe?  I have to go out of town for John's side of the family." She said in a sad tone.

"That's fine, I'll see you then. Love ya." I weakly smiled.

"Love you." She said pulling away as I waved.  I made my way back to Alex as I saw the doctor approaching his room as well.  I took my seat in the chair setting the food down beside him.

"So, the blood results are back." My heart started to pound again clenching onto Alex's hand. "It looks like Eliza is free of the virus, but Alexander definitely has signs of it in his blood." 

"What's the treatment?" I questioned almost crying.

"We'll probably treat it with paracetamol, and then hope Alexander's body will fight off the virus.  If it enters the toxic phase, the results could be fatal." He said with almost no emotion at all.

"Alright." I responded with wet eyes.

"A resident will soon come to administer the paracetamol, and then we'll take his blood everyday for the next week to see if it's progress." He replied walking towards the door. "We'll be back tomorrow to check on him."

"Question," I said stopping him from leaving for a second. "Is he allowed to have food?"

"Most defiantly, lots of water too." He answered leaving.  I got the food out of the containers and put it on a plastic plate.  I brought the food tray around and raised his bed up.  I sat beside him with my head on his shoulder while he ate.  I saw a nurse come in.

"I'm just going to change the fluids to paracetamol." She said with a bag of it in her hand.  Switching out the tubes to the painkiller.  

"I'll go get some water from that walk in down the hall." I said standing.

"I love you, El." Alex said taking my hand.

"I love you to the moon and back, Alex.  In sickness and health." We both smiled and I walked down to get water.  I came back and saw he had cleared his plate.  "James, Eliza, and Philip are coming." I looked down to my phone.  The came to visit us later that night, wishing their father well.  And over the course of the next week all of our children visited.  The doctor's would visit almost every day and good news finally came.  Alex's body was fighting the Yellow Fever meaning it wasn't showing up in his blood work as much.  He was feeling a lot better and was wanting to go home.  

"Alright," The doctor said entering our room. "I see the Yellow Fever is completely gone.  I can see your discharge papers around tomorrow." 

"Amazing." I smiled laying next to Alex. 

"Just one more blood test to really make sure, and then we'll be out of your hair." They left the room and I kissed Alex for the first time in a week.

"Next time, you're taking the vaccine." I smiled. 

"I will." He assured holding me. I feel asleep in his arms waking up in the morning, I saw him signing discharge papers and I glared up at him. "You ready to leave?"

"Mhm." I smiled as the doctor came in to give us the clear, I packed up Alex's stuff and helped him walk to the car.  He had only been walking again for a day, so he was still struggling.  I helped him in as we arrived home. "A lot of rest." 

"I know." He laughed weakly as I brought him to bed. "Lay with me?" He questioned holding his arms out.

"Okay.." I smiled laying beside him as he wrapped his arms around me.

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