A Girl

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Eliza's POV

6 Months Later...

I sat in the waiting room surrounded by a lot of other woman, I saw Alexander rush in carrying my stuff.  He took a seat beside me and made sure I was okay.

"Philip's at day care." Alexander's soft voice said brushing away my baby hairs.

"Heh, that's good." I smiled.

"How's our baby?" He whimpered taking off his gloves and putting his cold hands on my stomach.

"Your going to give them a brain freeze!" I laughed.

"Elizabeth." A Nurse called appearing from behind the counter.

"That's us." I said as Alex took my hand and we walked toward the room.  I propped myself on the bed as Alexander took my hand and stood beside me.

"Good morning," The nurse said. "Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton?"

"That's me." I gave a weak laugh, nervous for the appointment.

"How many months?" He questioned taking a seat in the chair.


"Is this the father," He'd check his book. "Alexander Hamilton?"

Yes, Sir." Alexander said putting his hand around my shoulder.

"Already one child together..?  Philip?" 

"Yes." Me and Alex answer in sync.  The question made me think of Philip's cute little smile and his sparkling eyes, just like Alex's.

"Alright, I'll have the Doctor come and check you out." He said leaving the room as the Doctor came quickly right after.

"Hello, Eliza!" A happy feeling inside arose as I realised it was the same Doctor who did my ultrasound for Philip.  Dr. Morgan.

"Hi, Dr. Morgan!" I said smiling.

"I see you have another one in the wings!" The Doctor laughed, "How's Philip?"

"He's great, I just took him to day care.  He already has a couple friends." Alexander said taking a chair.

"Great!  I'm just going to put this gel on you and we can get going.  Get ready, it's going to be cold." 

"Alrighty," I smiled as she took the gel and began to try to find the heartbeat.

"Quick simple question, would you like to know the gender?" She said as I looked to Alex.  Alex nodded and leaned in.

"I'm fine with whatever you want." He whispered.  I looked up at the Doctor.

"Um, sure." I say squeeze Alex's hand tightly, and he kisses me.  Dr. Morgan begins to move around my stomach.

"Found it," She'd examine it. "Looks, like...  It's going to be a girl!" 

"Philip's gonna have a little sister!" I said smiling.

"Awee!" Alexander said kissing me again. "Estimated Due Date?"

"Hmm..  I would say maybe around the 20th of September."

"Sounds good," Alexander started to get my coat.

"I'll see you guys around that time, if you have any questions of concerns, just give me a call!  You have my number." Dr. Morgan said smiling.

"Thank you!" I began to get up and Alex rushed to help me.

"Angelica." I looked down at him smiling.

"Angelica." He looked up as he slipped my boot on me. "Let's go." He said as he put my arm around my waist and helped me walk to the car.  He helped me into the car and started to drive. 

The Story: Eliza and Alexander || completedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora