A New Start

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Eliza's POV

This Will Be A Shorter Chapter

So many sleepless nights I lay awake in my empty bed.  I would help the kids with homework and practise piano with Philip and Angie.  So many days I would only make breakfast for the kids and myself as I heard Alex typing away on the computer.  All the children had already gone to school, and it was one of the rarest days.  A day where Alex was home from work and usually I'd take advantage of it.  But instead, I couldn't place my mind on what to do, like everyday since the email.  I built up strength and cooked one of Alex's favourite meals.  Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and dark coffee.  I cooked it for him as I approached his office.  He had been helping with the kids even after the dis communication.  I heard his fingers fidgets along the keys as I knocked on the door and heard the typing stop.

"Come in.." His voice trailing off swallowing his words.  I could almost hear the sadness inside of him.  As I opened the door I saw his eyes wet as he looked at me.

"Breakfast." I said as I placed it down in his usual spot. 

"Thank you, Eliza." He said as he watched me place it.

"Your favourite." I gave a weak smile as I left the room and heard him typing again. Taking breaks to eat.  I began cleaning the house, cleaning the bedroom as I decided to let Alexander sleep there again tonight.  Minutes turned into hours as I heard the kids burst through the door.  I spent time with them, helped them with homework as Alex came to spend time with them as well.  He joined us at the dinner table and then went back to his office to sleep.  I put the kids to sleep and then went to Alex's office.  I knocked on the door and he told me to come in again.  I entered and saw him on his portable bed.  I sat beside him and he looked surprised. 

"I was hoping.." I said looking at his wall, and then turning toward him.  "You'd join me in our bed tonight?"  I saw him getting wet eyes again and so did I.  I took his hand and we both sat there for a second crying.  Him coming to the realisation that I forgave him.

"I wouldn't want to leave you cold.." He said as he got up not breaking the lock between our hands.  I stood up and put my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around my waist.  We walked to our room and got under the covers.  He didn't hold me, respecting me.  But, the only thing I wanted to do was to be right next to him.  I moved closer to him as he wrapped his arms around me.  I put my head into chest.  He kissed my head as I looked up at him.  And I kissed him.

"I love you, Eliza.  And I want to do everything in my power to show you that in our lives." He said tearing up again.  I lifted myself up and put my nose against his.  

"I lo-" My tears poured over my words as he held me closer. "I love you too, Alexander."  He moved his lips closer to mine, looking into my eyes to see if I was fine with it.  I pressed them together as we made out for a while.  Not breaking the kiss for anything in the world.  I wrapped my legs around him and gave a real smile for the first time in a couple years.  Alex smiled back at me.  I heard the door open and little feet come towards the bed as I saw Alexander Jr peek up at me.

"Mommy, I'm scared.  I just had a nightmare." He said in a whimpering voice.  I lifted him up and put him between Alex and I.  I held him to my chest as Alex held both of us and we all fell asleep.

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