Meeting Her Parents

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Eliza's POV

He leaned in beside me on the couch without breaking the kiss and held me.  I felt amazing for the first time in forever.  He brushed the hair from my face as I put my leg over him, in only my undergarments now, him without a shirt.  Soon we both look out the window and see it's dark, I grabbed my phone and check the time. '7:00', and the limo comes back at 8:00.  I have plenty of time, I look back and we stare into each other's eyes again.  

"Can I use your phone to call mine?" He says in a smirk, I knew what that meant.

"Sure," I said smiling as I unlocked my phone for him. He began to call and his phone rang, he saved my number to his phone and I did as well.  I got up and began to put my dress back on and he walked me back to the main area.  Just before my sisters saw me he pulled me closed and kissed me before I left.  I held his hands just as Peggy saw us and came running.

"I've been looking everywhere!  We gotta go!" She yelled into my ear over the loud music.

"I'll see you later." He said as I was dragged away by my sister.

"Bye!" I say as he can still hear me, as I'm dragged outside my Angelica gives me a smirk as she just knew everything that happened.  She hugged me and we got into the limo. 

"So, how was your night?!" Angelica finally broke.

"Good!" Peggy yelled once again.

"Fantastic." I said smiling under my breath while Peggy talked about her night.  Finally, we arrived home and I walked inside to change as fast as I could, I couldn't bear another second in a dress no matter how cute I look.  I change into my pj's and jump into bed, I bring out my phone and start to type in a nickname for Alex.  'Alex 🤵🏆💖❤️💖' I keep my phone open while I watch videos waiting to feel tried and before I can put my phone away my sister takes it.

"Hey!" I say in a whisper voice trying not to wake up my parents or my brothers.  Knowing, Peggy isn't sleeping.

"I knew it!  You're a thing!  OooooooOooo" Angelica says in a cutesy voice.

"Oh no, Peggy now you." I say in return.

"Relax sis, I won't tell anymore.  I know you like I know my own mind." She whispered as she walked back to her room. 'There's a thing on my door, called a lock..  I should really use it.' I think to myself.

Alexander's POV

Laf, Herc, and Laurens wanted to crash at my place so they brought a few sleeping bags and we slept in my living room.  They guys slept on the floor and I lied on the couch.  I stared at my phone and I changed Eliza's text name to 'Eliza 💁👠🎀💖❤️💖'.  Perfectly suits her.  I did my smirk that Eliza called cute.  John looked up at me as I pretended to sleep hoping to actually fall asleep.

"Buddy stop pretending." John whispers laughing a bit.

"Get a beer out of the fridge." I respond in a tried sounding voice.

"Ha!" John laughs as he walks over to it and I'm able to finally fall asleep.  At about 7:00 I'm woken up by a text. 

Eliza 💁👠🎀💖❤️💖: "You need to meet my dad!"

Me: "When, today?"

Eliza 💁👠🎀💖❤️💖: "Any day this week, including today."

Eliza 💁👠🎀💖❤️💖: "I just want him to approve.  He's protective."

Me: "I get it, a time today?"

Eliza 💁👠🎀💖❤️💖: "Um, maybe around 12?  Peggy will be at school."

Me: "Heh.💖" 

Eliza 💁👠🎀💖❤️💖: "She'd bother me about it until the end of time! Lol. 😜"

Me: "I'll be there! 🙏🏽 "

Eliza 💁👠🎀💖❤️💖: "Okay!  I'll arrange it.  It won't be very formal just at the house."

Me: "I'll wear a suit anyway. 🤵"

Eliza 💁👠🎀💖❤️💖: " 😍 "

Me: "😘 " 

Eliza 💁👠🎀💖❤️💖: "  😘 "

One of the first text conversations we had and one of the cutest.  I had to get my suit from my dryer and John saw me and decided to question everything I was doing, I somehow manage to get him to go away and waved to all the guys then got a cab and went to Eliza's.

I felt my heart race as I knocked on the door, 'Was this the right house?' 'Who would answer the door?' 'What if her father doesn't approve of me?' I think of foolish things in my head as Philip Schuyler opens the door.  I wait for a word while I sit there in silence.

"Philip Schuyler," He says extending his hand and quickly I extend mine.

"Alexander Hamilton." I say as he invites me into the living room.  I took a seat and began talking to him.

Eliza's POV

From my room I heard a knock on the door while Angelica and I played cards, my stomach instantly filled with butterflies.  Angelica looked at me and my eyes lit up and she gave me a nod meaning she knew.  She grabbed my hand and flew me down the stairs so we could listen into the conversation.  I sat down on the floor scared as Angelica told me to peak over, I saw my father walk over to him.  I panicked thinking we're through then he shook his hand and said be true.  His beautiful eyes looked back at me, and hugged me.  Angelica hugged him as well and my father paid for a limo for a fancy meal for Alex and I.

The Story: Eliza and Alexander || completedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora