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Eliza's POV

Alex and I had been engaged for around a year know, we'd moved in together and everything!  Peggy had started dating Stephan and all was happy, or so I thought.  When I would go over the family house to visit, I'd see weird mood swings in Peggy.  She was acting a lot different then her happy go lucky self, and I knew something was wrong.  Angelica and I started speculating different ideas to why, 'Maybe she didn't like us anymore?' 'Maybe she was going through a rough time?' 'Maybe she was just growing up and growing out of that faze.'  We were so lost as to how this happened so quickly.  I would stay up for hours in bed wondering with Alex trying to get me to fall asleep.  So many sleepless nights over something so small.  Yesterday, it all changed.  

It was a Friday, like any regular day I made breakfast, made out with Alex for a bit, and went on with my day.  We were out for coffee with John, Alex had his arm around me when I looked down to my phone.  I got a text from Stephan and my heart dropped, I put my hand over my mouth as I read the text that affected me so much.  John and Alex didn't notice at first thinking I was just looked shocked.   I started to cry as I read the text, wondering why would it happen?!

Stephan (Peggy's Boy): "Hey Eliza, Peggy was just rushed to the hospital.  I walked into her room this morning and I saw her unconscious with a knife in her stomach.  She attempted suicide."

Me: "WHAT?! WHY?!"

Tears starting pouring and Alex looked over at me, I didn't look back not wanting anyone to see me cry.

"Eliza, what's wrong?" He said as he hugged me

"Eliza?" John helped in a sympathetic voice.

"Stephan found my sister.." I say my voice trailing off and overpowered by tears.

"Eliza, what happened?  Is everything okay?" Alex said once more.

"She- She- She.." I couldn't seem to bring out the words. "She'd been having mood-" I kept crying, trying to finish. "mood swings..  For a while now, and Stephan found her this morning.  In her room...-" I cried again, 'One more sentence and you can finish it, Eliza!' I encourage myself. "She attempted suicide." I spit out then break out in tears again.

"Where is she?!" John said trying to keep a voice.

"Hospital.." I spit out the final word while Alex takes my hand and walks me to the car.

"I'll text you later, John!" He says as he buckles me in and drives us to the hospital.  I start wiping my tears and calm down a bit.

"How could something I saw the whole time turn into this.  She had mood swings, but just not that severe how..- I should've known better.." I utter trying to calm down.

"It's not your fault, she didn't do it because of you.  I can promise you that, Eliza." Alex says as he holds my hand. "Have some water, we'll be there soon."  I take Alex's water and drink, 'Why would Peggy do this?' I question again and again in my mind.

We finally arrive at the hospital and I start crying again, and then I realise something. 'Shit...' Stephan doesn't have Angelica on text, so she doesn't know!  I instantly pick up my phone text her and then run inside with Alex. 

"Visiting?" The female nurse outs in a very annoyed tone. "Ugh, love birds." I hear her say under her breath.

"Peggy Schuyler." Alex says knowing I might cry if I speak.

"Family?  Don't look like it." The nurse utters in another offensive tone.

"I'm her sister, and this is my Fiancé" I said looking her square in the eyes. 

"Room 306, Intensive Care Unit." The nurse signals and we start walking.  We make our way to floor 3, intensive care.  Then, we walk to room 306 and I start panicking.  I see her and run away from Alex's grip to her side.  I hold her hand as life support helps her breathe, and yet again I start crying.  Alex took a seat beside me and I somehow start to muster up the courage.

"Stephan.." I say looking at my sister's hand.

"What?" He barks while he 'cries' too.  I know that kind of cry anywhere, Peggy used to do it when she wanted attention.  It's not actual crying, it's fake, and that pissed me off.

"Did you kn-" I'm cut off by Angelica running into the room and taking Peggy's other hand.  Both of us crying. "Stephan, did you know?"  I look up at him.

"No idea." He barks once again.  I look at Angelica's eyes and face.  I see she knows he's fake crying too, we both know each other like our own minds, so it's easy to tell.  Angelica comes around to my side and leans in towards me.

"Inconsiderate youth." She whimpers and Stephan hears her.

"Hey!  Where were you when she had a knife in her stomach?!  Having sex with your boyfriend?!" He chews his gum.  I look up and see he feels no emotion in his face, just a cold heart.  Alex looks at the boy in amazement, 'Had he actual just-' I'm cut off once again.  My dad comes in the room.

"I heard that young boy!" He yells with furry. "At least I knew where my daughters where!  I was the one who found her, you where no where to be found!" He quiets down a bit.

"The boy lied..." Alex says under his breath.

"I didn't lie!  You stupid old ma-" I cut the foolish child off by jumping up.

"What is it, Eliza?" Alex and Angelica both ask.

"Peggy, she's opening her eyes." I go to her side and hold her hand as her eyes slowly flutter. "Stephan, I want you out of this room.  You're not family."  He picks up his bag and leaves as I hold Peggy's hand.

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