Yellow Fever

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Eliza's POV

It had been a long day and the thing I wanted most was to see Alex beside me.  It had come around the time he was supposed to be home, and he wasn't which didn't bother me.  Sometimes he worked later until it became more worrying.  I eventually got a call from John Laurens as my whole body shook.  I quickly answer holding myself from crying wondering why Alexander wasn't here.

"Eliza.." John's voice trailed off.  As I shook more. 

"Yes?" I responded hearing him almost crying

"It's Alexander.  He had a sudden fever and then started to vomit blood.  He passed out when the paramedics where coming and woke up saying your name." John explained as I started to cry.

"Where are you guys?" I questioned jumping up from bed and throwing my coat on.

"We're heading to the hospital." He replied. "I think you should make your way here." 

"Alex took our only car.  I might have to get Angelica to drive me..  Or I could walk, the hospital isn't that far from the house." I said pacing.

"Alex has the keys in his pockets," 

"Alright, I'll be there soon. " I put my nails to my teeth worrying more and more.  I heard someone in the background say 'He's waking up.' I couldn't place my finger on who though.  I heard the phone end from John's side as I began to walk to the hospital.  It was only a 20 minute walk and Alex's building was an hour away.  I got there quickly and the doctor's took me towards where the ambulances pull up.  I saw the ambulance pull up after about 10 minutes and Alex come out on a stretcher and I quickly raced to his side taking his hand as John Laurens appeared walking inside with us.

"He's passed out again." I heard the doctor mumble as they raced to a hospital room.  I pulled a chair and sat beside him waiting for him to wait up.

"Every time he woke up he said your name, Eliza." John said sitting on another chair in the room. 

"Heh." I replied wiping a tear from my eye.  I heard the doctor enter.

"Do you both have your yellow fever vaccine?" He asked which made my heart pound.

"I do.." My voice trailed off realising what he was about to tell me.

"I got mine before our law trip." John revealed as the doctor left the room stating something,


My heart starting pounding faster as I looked at John.

"Alex never got his.  I told him to get it before the trip but he never did." I spit out looking at Alex.

"Oh god." John said as Alex's eyes starting flickering.

"Alex." I whimpered picking up his hand again.  He looked at me kissing my hands.

"Eliza." He said his voice in agony.

"I'm going to go get your car, my wife will pick me up after." John said getting up.

"Alright, thank you." I replied looking back at Alex.  He put his hand on the side of my face. "You didn't get you vaccine Alex..  And you went on that trip.." I bit my lip.

"Did they diagnose me?" His voice raised a bit.

"Not yet, but your symptoms suggest Yellow Fever." 

"I'm sorry, El.." His voice trailed as the doctor came in.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Springfield.  I'd just like to talk a bit about our possible diagnoses for your husband." He said looking at me.  I shifted in my chair as he spoke. "The symptoms suggest he has Yellow Fever.  We'll need a blood test to make sure, is that alright with you," He looked down at his clipboard. "Alexander?" 

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