All Of My Love

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You know the warnings. Don't like? Don't read. The title was inspired by the song All Of My Love by Led Zeppelin.

P.S., Harry is 17 now.

"Happy birthday!" Draco yelled and jumped on his bed, Harry jerked awake, ready to stun his attacker.

"Merlin, you scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry, everyone is downstairs. Get dressed and meet me outside." Draco walked out, the boy sighed and quickly dressed. Draco covered his eyes and helped him down the stairs,

"If I fall, I'm going to hurt you." He heard Remus laugh, Harry pulled away from the blonde and smiled. There were eleven people there. Narcissa, Lucius, Draco, Fred, George, Remus, Rodolpus, Percy, Bill, Charlie, and Neville. A table had a tower of presents on it, he sat down.

"Open my present!" Rolphie said excitedly, Harry found his and opened it. There was box of exploding snap, the boy grinned.


"Ours next!" The twins exclaimed in unison, Harry did. There were packets of black powder, taffy, and chocolate frogs that had death eater faces on the cards. Harry thanked them and opened Remus', a picture of his parents and a picture of the werewolf and Ralphie hugging. Remus also gave him keys to his vaults. Charlie handed him a small box, it was a ring that looked like a small dragon curled around his finger. Bill gave him a book on financing and how to be polite to goblins. Percy gifted him a wand holster made from dragon leather. Neville got him a plant that gave the keeper good luck. Draco smiled brightly and shoved a box in his hand, which he opened. Inside sat a small black snake,

Stupid humans, putting me in a box it hissed angrily,

Hello, little snake. My name is Harry Potter, what should I call you? The snake froze,

Akkarin the male snake hissed, Harry saw several people around him shudder

"Thank you, Draco. He is beautiful." Akkarin curled around his wrist, Lucius carefully handed him a present. Harry opened it and grinned, the man seemed to give out a lot of jewelry. It was a necklace, there was a charm on the chain, a snake made from emerald with a silver chain.

"It has some protection wards on it." He informed, Harry smiled and dipped his head respectively. Narcissa's was the last, he tore the paper of, it was an art set. There were many shrunken canvases, paints, and high quality paint brushes.

"Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy." The woman eyes were kind, she grasped his hand gently,

"It's Narcissa, please." Harry smiled and nodded,

"I'll help you bring your things back." Draco chirped and started to pick everything up, they walked to his room. Harry sat on his bed and glanced at the picture of Tom.

"What's wrong? You look depressed." The blonde laid down next to him,

"There's still a year until he comes back. I miss him so much." He said softly, Draco sat up and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Has he contacted you at all?"

"No. I've written in the diary and tried to send letters. He's probably just busy or something."

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