Save me

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Author's note: I do not own Harry Potter, even if I want to. Don't like? Don't read.
All the titles are inspired by songs. This one is by Queen.
I apologize for any grammar mistakes, I don't have anyone to edit. Sorry!
Chapter 1: 1282 words

Harry Potter laid in his room, sobbing. Why was fate so cruel? Sirius was dead and all of his friends hated him. Remus blamed him for Padfoot's death. His relatives abused him. It really couldn't get any worse. He jerked as a sharp rapping sounded on his window, an owl. Harry shakily stood, muscles aching from beatings, and opened the window. A beautiful black owl landed on his shoulder and cooed softly.
"Where did you come from?" His voice was ragged from screaming. He untied a letter from its leg and read it.


I'm bored so I am going to be your pen pal for the summer. I apologize on behalf of Bella, it was an unnecessary death. I assume you know who I am now. Well, send a response if you want to.


That was.... Voldemort? Why would the dark lord message him? He sighed and pulled out a muggle pen and piece of parchment.


I'm sure that Dumbly would scowl if he figured out that we were talking. Maybe even choke on one of those bloody lemon drops, a beautiful image. Anyways, I accept your apology. I hope you're having fun torturing muggles or whatever you do with free time.

~Brat with a Scar

Harry handed the owl the letter. The bird hooted and flew off, leaving him alone. Per usual.


The next morning, Harry woke to a loud chirp, wondering why his aunt hadn't screeched at him yet. He sat up and rubbed at his eyes,
"Hello, owl. That was a quick reply." He said and opened the letter.


I'm surprised that you responded. I had no idea that you didn't like Dumbly, I guess we do have something in common. We actually have a lot in common. Reply quickly.

P.S., I'm not a snake faced bastard anymore

Harry frowned at the last line.

Murdering Bastard,

I know we have a lot in common. Both parsletongues. Halfbloods. Horrible childhoods. Manipulated by Dumbly. So... why aren't you a snake faced bastard anymore? Did Snape make you a potion? Or did you do some sort of freaky ritual? By the way, I've figured out what your horcruxes are. You'd better hide them before the old goat finds one. I already destroyed one of them, the diary. (Sorry) I didn't know it was one at the time. Did you know that you made one on accident? I'll tell you what it is, but we need to make a deal first.


He sent the letter away and sighed, Harry stood up and pried the loose floorboard away. He had been brewing potions and making salves since the beginning of his fifth year, just being prepared for the abuse. He drank a potion and applied the salves to the places that he could reach. Harry found a book on charms, then started reading.


When it was noon, he stood up and looked out the window. The car was gone, the dursleys had left. The boy grinned and rushed down stairs, wincing as his muscles protested. He opened the cupboard doors, they left food! He pulled out two pieces of bread and poured himself a glass of milk. Harry ate it slowly to make sure he wouldn't get sick. He then got a good idea, running to Vernon and Petunia's room. The boy lifted up the mattress and cheered silently, there was money stashed under it. Probably enough to buy food until the end of the summer. He carefully set it back down and chewed on his bottom lip. They probably turned off the electricity, that meant the things in the fridge would go bad. Unless he rarely opened it and ate the food quickly. Harry ran up to his room and laid son on his bed again. Maybe he could heal faster by sleeping more and eating enough food.

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