"Toshiro?! What're you doing here? I told you that you can't be here!" I was happy to see him just annoyed that he came.

"Well hello to you too" He walked passed me and sat on the couch. I closed the door and walked in front of him

"What are you doing here Shiro?"

"Isn't it obvious? I came to see you"

"Yeah I know that. But I told you how dangerous it is for soul reapers to be here, But you're a captain. Its worse for you." He stood up and looked down into my eyes with his hands on my waist. 'He's grown taller' 

"I appreciate your concern for me and my safety but I missed you." I smiled up at him and wrapped my hands around his neck and started playing with his hair.

"I missed you too, but I saw you yesterday. I've been busy with uh things" 

"You know its so annoying when you say that" I giggled at his response. And lowered my hands to his shoulders.

"Hey! It's not like I can tell you. If I could then you would know." I playfully pushed his shoulders.

"I know but its just frustrating" He rolled his eyes playfully and giggled. I wrapped my arms around his neck again and looked up at him lovingly.

"Yeah I know. Hey I was about to start cooking. how about you join me and we'll make a date of it?"

"Alright. I like the sound of that." He leaned in and kissed me passionately. I missed his kiss. I visit him every week but it's just not enough. We've been together for almost two years. But seeing him just once a week is killing me. I cant wait till they defeat the full-bringers. We'll have loads of time together and maybe even get married. I pulled away and leaned my head on his chest.

"Anyways. I'm gonna make us some dinner. What would you like?"

"Surprise me"

"Never give an opinion as always huh?"

"You know it" I giggled and walked into the kitchen. I decided to make my famous homemade lasagna. My mom taught me how to make it when I was, well in my own universe I guess. The guys still don't know how I got here. They think that I can just predict the future, they know nothing of my universe. But I'll never tell them it'll break Toshiro knowing I'm not actually real. I dropped a plate that took me out of my trance. Toshiro came running in wondering what was going on.

"Hey are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm fine. I just dropped a plate that's all." I grabbed my dustpan and brush and started to clean the mess.

"I'll clean it. You can go and finish up the table"

"Uh okay." I gave him the cleaning supplies and put the lasagna on the table along with our plates, carefully this time. I had a frown on my face still thinking about home. But home is where Toshiro is. Not where I came from. I sighed as Toshiro walked back in.

"You know you have to be careful with the plates right" He sat down as I put food on our plates.

"I know that dumbass! But I wasn't paying attention I was thinking that's all" we started eating and i have to say I'm a great cook.

" About what?"

"Uh. About our wedding." Toshiro chocked on the food he had in his mouth so he took a drink and coughed regaining his breath.

"Our wedding?" he seamed surprised by this.

"Yeah. After all of this blows over we can get married. I'm thinking here instead of the soul society, because the girls cant exactly go there."

"How long have you been planning it?"

"Not long really. But this is our date after-all. Lets leave the wedding planning for later?"

"Alright. So how have things been down here with 'the stuff I cant know'" he used quotation marks and I giggled at his actions.

"Everything seems to be running smoothly. But the girls are suspecting something and it gets harder every time to hide this from them." I looked down at my plate 

"I'm sure you'll figure something out" I looked back up to see him smiling at me. We finished our meal and continued the date with a movie. We were cuddling on the couch with popcorn and other snacks on the table. Toshiro had his arm around me and was rubbing my arm as a form of comfort. I placed my head on his chest and began falling asleep listening to his heartbeat. 

He began to shift a little. He was probably stiff for staying in the same position for so long. He tightened his grip around me and I could feel his eyes in my direction. My eyes were closed since I was trying to fall asleep. I heard Toshiro chuckle and he moved completely, he picked me up bridal style and took me up to my room. He placed me under the covers and he joined me. He hugged me from behind with his head in the crook of my neck. He fell asleep before I did. Then I smiled and let the darkness consume me.


Hope you have enjoyed so far. I'm so sorry that its been so long since my last update, but I thought that I'd add a date while still progressing the story. If you have any suggestions then put them in the comments but they have to go with the story line.

Enjoy the rest of the story.


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