二 | karma

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"Wow!~Sensei! Look at this!" You said in amazement, causing Hara attention.

   "Omg-Is that the Bulletproof " says Hara as she grabbed your hand and lead you into the book store.

You quickly turned, rushing Koro-Sensei into the shop too.
"Sensei do you know thi-"

"Yes, I do,[Name]. Bulletproof  is a legendary,very expensive, sentimental story. It is known for its constant theories the readers made up along the way and it also talks about the real world conflicts. It does make your heartache because of the seven kids. Around the globe, almost 95% of schools reads it to their 7th graders but it usually only depends if-"

  He stopped,noticing how you and Haru stared at him in admiration. The fact that he took you both to [Country], without having to pay, and how he knows about the story Bulletproof.

"Oh shit. Sensei, you're making me not want to kill you," you smiled and hugged the octopus.

'I'm going to cry, once I do.'

Hara sweat dropped and continued on searching for items. Two hours pass it was still early though you all thought it'll be alright to go home.
It only took about less then 20 minutes to even come back to school and it was surprisingly calm or so you thought.

"Karma! What the heck are you going to do?!!"

"Karma..What about [Name]-San..."

"Really Karma, you're only how old? What the fuck"

You smile hearing your name, but it faded when you heard the low,sad and disappointed tones.

'What?...is something wrong?'

Hara stared at you, the happy-go-lucky tension disappearing each millisecond. If not, even less. You turned around seeing Koro-Sensei eyes wonder to the loud small building. The door slightly cracked opened.

"Uh...I'll go check-" he stopped seeing your scared face. You didn't want to be seen nor noticed.
You and Hara nodded. Standing next to each other in a silent manor of silence.

"[Name]...don't worry. It's probably like a surprise party or something.."

You bit your lip. Of what though? Your birthday isn't until 4 months from now.. Your anniversary with Karma is on the 13th of [Random month].

Minutes go by and Koro-Sensei has not came back, so you took it upon yourself to go up to the slightly cracked door only to see Karma's dchool uniform all ruined. A ginormous ass hickey on his neck and drops of sweat strolling down his face.

You gasped a bit, seeing Okuda on the floor with her shirt half way off, showing her dark red bra.

"Nah nah~ it's okay. She won't find out. I won't let her do so otherwise. So for now, keep all of this like a secret," he winks at Okuda.
"Or you most likely regret it"

He blew a quickly kiss towards her which left her a blushing mess.

"Well...this is unfortunate.."

Koro-Sensei did this one purpose. He knew about Karma's affair and he wanted his dear student to find out on her own.

'To think I ever love you,Karma'

Being an assassin, you have to go through tough moments. You need the experience to not mourn over petty things. It doesn't just make you weak and depressed for a certain amount of time,it actually does the opposite. It builds your mentality and physical strength. That's why Koro-Sensei didn't tell you even so badly he didn't want to break your heart.

"Did..you even love [Name]. Karma we get that you're a sadist and all. But playing with someone's feelings is a bit over the top.."

'I shouldn't have been such an idiot.'

Hara slowly walked towards you. Her naked eyes widen at the view in sight. She slid the door wide open, slamming it to its stopping point. A huge scowl screamed wide upon her disgusted face.

She was a madman-I mean women...

"No! I don't think just a bit. It's outrageous. Completely horrible and very exotic."

You marched in the room after her, trying to calm Hara down. Yes, you were heartbroken, sad and very much felt used. However, you didn't want to cause a seen. You wanted to handle this calmly and simply make it seem like you don't care at all.

I'm going to fix this all.

Every one in the room stared at you in the fright. Their eyebrows furrowed, worried on what would happen. No, it wasn't like you were the devil when you were pissed off. In a way, they never actually seen you all furious, so this was new to them. But what wasn't new, was how calm you can be in certain situations. Situations that only makes sense to be fucking crazy.

'No matter what type of attitude comes my way.'

You laughed as you scratch your head,
"What's with the seriousness vibe,guys? Something wrong or what?" You played off as naive, being chill as fuck.

'This is only just the beginning.'

You went up to Karma, punching him "lightly" in the chest.  He winced from the sudden amount of pressure against his chest.

"You're so stupid Karma. Obviously I would find out and... I honestly don't care." You sighed. "Why would I though? I don't love you like that or anything."

You patted his head, ruffling his soft locks then smiled. Turning away from him towards Okuda to help her up, you pulled at her wrist. She looked down in shame.
You sheepishly fake smiled and looked at everyone in the room. Most of the boys in Class-3E was there. You pouted, a bit embarrassed,"So? What you all still doing there~ I have all of the gifts I want to give you from my time at [Country] with Hará and Koro-sensei ~~"

You squint your eyes as you looked around the room, giving Karma a broken-hearted glare. You truffles yourself to the open door when you saw a smirk form on a red head face.

'Oh so you think this is funny?'

"Hara? Sensei? Where's the bags again?" You yelled out however, it came out as sort of a whisper which distracted everyone from the daze. Quiet whisperers spoke. They didn't know how to react.

"[Na-]," Nagisa called out to you with a stutter and ran after you,"[Name]"

"It's fine, Nagisa... I'm okay, really,"

"You don't need to lie to yourself like this.. [Name].."

Ignoring him, you grabbed the bags and gave it to him, not able to look him in the eye due to shame. To your sudden surprise, his arms wrapped around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder, holding your body close to him tightly. With a huge sigh, you sniffed as tears threatened to fall. Your act from before vanishing into thin air. You felt broken, but you had to keep strong. For Koro-sensei sake. For your sake.

You smiled at Nagisa with hopeless eyes.

"You're right..."

☀︎Note: lol Sorry for the Uhm..long wait. This one is most likely not even good, sorry. I have no excuse.

Requested by noticemekarmasenpai

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