☁︎ | note

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Hey. In this drastic, angst book, there would be a mixture of fan fictions and original, short stories. For the title things, there's like a tiny layout I want to point out. [hey, that rhymed. Teehee.] Also, by the way, the numbers are in Chinese.


Fan fictions:
1- page it is on.
2- characters name

零 | jyushimatsu

Short stories:
1- page it is on
2- given title
3- chapter number [will only show, unless...there's more than one part for the story. ]

一 | dystopia
| dystopia | 2


So,those are my layouts for the title section. Pretty simple,really! But, I Just thought people might get confuse. Oh! And if you up above that is, how I will put the notes. I just really wanted my things to be unique, however, people must have done this before so I do not know.


I do not take requests!! Sorry! I'm just not up for the pressure!ㅠ_ㅠ


—Any who, I hope you enjoy these! I have been losing interest in a lot of things, so I just really want to throw some determination and write better and more. Hopefully get things on track! ^^

— please do comment and like. I love seeing people's reactions. Now!! Enjoy!!


— Oh! I almost forgot! For the fanfiction part, I will do plenty of fandoms, speaking how I am too in a lot of fandoms! Though, each category has specifics things I know about, so please don't be as disappointed..

Alright, the categories are basically the following:

Kpop [Korean Music in general]

An Abundance of Angst. [x readers]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora