Chapter 1

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The sound of fingers coming into contact with the computer keyboard could be heard as Juli woke up. The ray of sunlight that came in between the cracks of the curtains was the only light within the dark room. As he rubbed his eyes and sat on top of the bed, he watched as his owner began typing and clicking away at the screen in front of her. He soon climbed and jumped on top of the desk, looking at the screen.

"Chii, did you pull an all-nighter again?" Juli asked with a worried face. "You should take a rest. You're body's going to collapse one day."

The girl, who was known as Hinata Ema, smiled fondly at her companion as she stroked his head.

"Don't worry, Juli," she replied. "I finished looking over the files and making the documents so there's nothing more for me to do."

Juli sighed in relief. "You do remember that today is the day we're moving out, right?"

Ema smiled. "I know."

"Then hurry up and get dressed! Make sure to take a shower, too!" Juli yelled.

Ema chuckled. "I got it, I got it, Juli. You don't have to yell so early in the morning," she said nervously as Juli crossed his arms. She set down her headphones and closed her laptop screen as she made her way to the bathroom. The room was filled with moving boxes all taped neatly with the name "Hinata Ema" scribbled on it. Juli could hear the shower head running and knowing that Ema was now taking a bath, he decided to help himself to breakfast.

After about 15 minutes, the water stopped running and Ema stepped out. She wrapped a towel around herself, making sure not to make the bathroom floor wet. Plugging in the hair dryer, she began to dry her hair.

"Chii, are you done yet?" Juli called from outside the door.

"Yeah, almost done~," Ema replied back as she combed her hair.

"Make sure you dress nice today!" Juli replied.

"But that's so much work..." Ema pouted.

"Just wear that school uniform of yours then!" Juli answered back. "First impressions always count! You're going to a den of wolves, it's better to just wear something plain and nice! A school uniform does it!"

"Oh, Juli...we're going to be family with them," Ema said as she put on her black stockings. "Calling them wolves is a little rude."

"Wolves is a suitable title for them. They're probably all excited about meeting you anyway," Juli harrumphed.

Ema smiled nervously at Juli before grabbing her white blazer that was set upon her bed and put it on.

A week ago~

It was 6:00 a.m. in the morning and Ema's phone was ringing beside her non-stop. She pulled the covers over her head in an effort to block out the sound. However, it continued ringing despite how many times she had ignored it. Desperate to get some peace and silent for Juli and her, she reached out and tapped it.

"Hello?" she mumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

"You finally picked up, Ema," the voice said.

"Papa?" Ema hesitantly said, now fully awake.

"That's right!" Rintaro said happily on the other side of the phone. "I called you to tell you something great!"

"What is it, Papa?" Ema said smiling.

"I'm going to get remarried!" Rintaro exclaimed.

Ema widened her eyes in surprise. "Papa, you never told me about this!" Ema exclaimed as happiness and excitement overwhelmed her.

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