Chapter |13|

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Lydia's POV
I woke up huffing, drenched in sweat.
I was like the big bad wolf of  the three piglets tale. My breathing was so rapid, for a minute I thought I was having a panic attack. But it subsided after a while. I got out of bed, and went in the washroom. After washing my face I looked up to see a girl with limp strawberry blonde hair, haunted eyes and hollow cheekbones. If that red guy did not scare me, I would have scared myself pretty much. I sighed and went to shower. I tried not to think and that was quite a problem because shower was my thinking place.
I tuned out my thoughts and dressed and went down to find Stiles,Rowan and Liam sitting and stuffing their faces with pancakes.
I glanced at Stiles, but he was busy eating. Guess we were back to frenemies.
I turned to and saw Rowan smiling. I gave him a soft smile in return.
"Goof mowning!" Liam greeted, smiling , with pancakes still in his mouth.
My race scrunched up in disgust.
I sat down and pulled a plate towards me and started eating.
"You know you should get used to this after living with men." Liam said after swallowing.
"Men?" I raised my eyebrows.
He gestured towards Stiles.
"Oh no no. He is a crybaby." I grinned. It felt good to insult him after him ignoring me.
"And who was the one crying out last night?" Stiles said smirking before focusing back on his pancakes.
I glared at him while Rowan and Liam gave us amused looks.
"Someone got something last night." Liam said.
"Look, nothing happened last night—"
"Nuh" Stiles grunted.
"Yeah we get it man that you got it.." Liam slapped Stiles on the back, before they all started laughing .
I stood gaping at them as they brought a whole new meaning to innuendos.

I sat on the couch with Stiles slumping beside me. Liam was flopped on a bean bag while Rowan was sitting on a armchair. They all were contemplating on my last night's escapade. The red head seemed too surreal, but my memory served me right. My head dropped down. All these questions were circulating in my head. After a while, I could feel someone's eyes boring in my head.
I looked up to find no one looking. Maybe it was the paranoia because of night before.
"I need some fresh air. I am going for a walk." I stated as I got up to collect coat.
"I will come with." Rowan said.
"No!" Stiles said loudly.
"Liam you go with her. I need to talk to Rowan." He stated, staring me the whole time. Now is not the time to be confused more. I took my coat and with Liam following went outside.

Stiles POV. (Yay! I am excited too.)
My eyes followed the both of then as they went outside.
"Green is so not your colour." Rowan said, a small smirk playing on his face.
"I dont know what are you talking about." I replied.
"Uhuh" Rowan said, his face betraying that he did not believed me at all.
"Look I honestly—" I started but he interrupted me.
"Whatever the case is, don't give her mixed signals."
"Signals? I don't give out any kind of signals."
"Your uhuh's are pissing me off."
He grinned.
Even though he does that rarely, I so wanted to knock his teeth out.
"You will, when I take Lydia out for dinner."
Knocking one of his teeth wouldn't hurt, would it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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