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Chapter 3

"Lydia!" Shouted her mom.

"Yeah?" She yelled back.

"Come downstairs."
Oh god ! What did she do now.
She trudged downstairs, her coffee in her hand.

She could not sleep. Four days without sleep had taken a toll on her. Her eyes held bags under her.
Her eyes were dull and her face looked tired.
She trudged downstairs hanging her head down.

"So then she ate that mud from her hand. Look how cute she looks" her mothers voice came from down the hall.

"I didn't know Lydia was so cute when she was younger!" Liam's excited voice came next.

Lydia suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Liam is here. So Stiles must be here.
Stiles mom and her mother were best friends. That absolutely did not help her avoiding Stiles.
But why was he visiting her?
She must not go.
No go lydia!
She started to walk back.
"Oh good lydia you are here! See who came to see you."
She was spotted. She turned around slowly.
She saw Stiles ,Liam and Rowan sitting there.
"Hey!" She waved and tried to smile. Well more like a grimace.
They should be glad they even got a grimace.
While Stiles and Liam were stuffing snacks into their faces,Rowan was quietly observing the room.
This his eyes landed on her. His eyes were roaming up and down as if examining her. She felt like bug under a microscope. She tried to shrug off the uncomfortable feeling.
But she still felt him scrutinize her .
She ignored it and sat on the couch covered with red velvet cover, opposite of her mother.
On her left sat Stiles and Liam while Rowan was on the bean bag.
Lydia, refusing to acknowledge anyone looked at the pink walls which hung the lifetime of frames and portraits of her family.
"Sweetie! Say hello to Stiles and his friends." Her mother said her voice having high amount of sugar. At this rate she may get diagnosed with diabetes.
"I already did."
"More politely!" Her mother hissed.

Lydia sighed .

"Its okay Mrs Martin. Lydia has been like this since high school started. " Stiles said pitching in, acting like a victim
"Oh really! Thats not nice Lydia!" Her mother disapproved frowning at her.

She knew Stiles was trying to get a rise out of her in front of her mother. This attempt was a first.
He stopped coming to her house three years ago. He was here for humiliating her taking revenge for what she did to him at school.
She must keep her calm. As she suppressed her anger her hands formed into fists , her manicured nails biting into her hands.
It was not her fault what had happened but Stiles blamed her.

Best friends didn't do that. Oh wait ! Ex-bestfriends. She thought bitterly.

Her hands felt sticky. She glanced at her hands to see her nails had broken the skin of her hands.
Her eyes widened as she followed the trail blood left as it trickled down.

"What happened Lydia? Cat got you tongue.?"
Seeing as Lydia did not reply , Stiles took the opportunity to taunt her more.
She looked up to see Stiles smiling. That smile which hid the sneer on his face. That face which held burning hatred for her.

But her mind was elsewhere.
Her hand was bleeding. Her mother was looking at her as if she was a freak. Like she did three years ago.
Her breaths came out short.
Everything was in slow motion. Suddenly a beep sound filled her ears.
Her head was buzzing. She could feel a headache a coming.
An urgent need to scream came over her.
She should scream. No, she could control the urge. She closed her eyes and her hands automatically turned into fists.
She tried to channel her anxiety towards her fists. Blood flow better than utter humiliation.
Her eyes flew open as she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Do you mind showing me the way to the washroom Lydia?" Rowan said smiling down at her.

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