Chapter |7|

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I have lost the way of my life. I don't know what to do anymore. Well lets see what has fate led my life to:

First of all, I am being stalked by a monster. And let me tell you, its not a pleasant experience.

Second, I am doing things that I cannot remember. And them am being accused of destroying public property.

Third, I am being helped by the person who absolutely hates me for a goddamn reason nobody knows and keeps barking orders at me.

Fourth, I am tempted to throw him in a mixer and make a nice cold Stiles smoothie. And my self control is on thin ice.

You see, I am a very calm person. You could say I may as well be next Buddha, but after certain accidents I have started to lose my patience in tolerating a certain someone.

And another big problem comes hurtling way.

I am out of chocolate ice cream.


I looked out of the window utterly bored. I was bedridden for the past three days. The hospital had discharged me mere hours later after Stiles stormed out. They had said that my body was seriously lacking in glucose and haemoglobin, and I needed copious amounts of rest and fluids.

And my fussy yet wonderful mother strapped me to a bed, fed me lots of food and made me two year old baby.
Well, I was not complaining.
But that was two days ago. Now I thrived for some movement. Well I had done some serious movement before being hospitalised.
My thoughts went spiral, as I sat alone thinking on my bed.
One question revolved around. 'What the hell did I do?' And  'where did all my blood go suddenly?'
This was an enigma to me as well as the doctors, as I had not external or internal bleeding.

Since the doctors had no reason for it, they comforted us by stating that the stress may have led to the downfall of my health.

But I seriously doubted it. After getting the actual version of what happened from Rowan and Liam, which was definitely varying from the one I got from Mom who was informed by the cops of this incident, I knew that stress was not the reason why I was like this.

Well not the exact reason, but I knew this that the reason was  somewhat related to the term paranormal.

Stiles still has not contacted any of us. Well he doesn't contact me, but he was not responding to his friends calls either.

As I was reminiscing my thoughts like an old lady with three cats, the  doorbell rang downstairs. I didn't wanna get up.
Thats it.
It has been confirmed, I was a hypocrite.
Minutes ago I was striving for movement and now my lazy ass wanted 'rest'.
Grudgingly, I went downstairs and opened the door expecting that it must be mom.

Well as they say expect the unexpected.

"What are you doing here?!" I questioned him.

I peered towards his left and right to find any suspicious being but was left empty handed. I totally expected a prank to come this way.
But they had to consider my feelings. I am a sick person.
And sick people don't appreciate pranks.

"Well, if you keep on daydreaming about me I will let myself in."
With this Stiles barged into my  house once again.


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