Chapter |12|

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A/n I was not satisfied with the previous chapter. Please do tell me what are your opinions.
Happy reading😘


I woke up, feeling thirsty. I looked at the clock which was blinking 15 minutes past 3 in the morning.
I blinked as my eyes adjusted to darkness. I took around my surroundings. I was still on the couch and a blanket was wrapped around me. I smiled. Stiles must have gotten it for me. I looked around for him. I saw him, sitting or should I say sleeping. He was snoring softly, his head rested on his hand which was on the armrest.
His jacket was thrown on the couch beside me and he only had a white tee on. So I took the jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders and took the blanket to Stiles and covered him. As much he hates me, he sure has his sweet moments.
I stared at him. His hair was brown in colour same as his eyes. He had this cute dimples when he smiled. He had a lean body. He was not muscular, but was not skinny. But his jawline was sharp and so   They were so adorable when he was a 9. Because that was the last time he ever smiled at me.
I guess he never cared.
I sighed, as I went into the kitchen for some water.
I sat on the island, as I reminisced.
I drank some water and placed my head on my hands. I thought of the events that had taken place. Red head and yellow eyes with horns. What did that thing want? I hate this game of cat and chase.
I had screamed to paranormal creatures and  saw a demon three days after.
I could feel the familiar sting in my eyes. The frustration was building up and I choked up. I wish Kathy believed me, so that I could talk to someone. Or I could talk to Rowan. He always listened to me and was a good listener.
Silent tears fell down my cheeks as I put my head down.
The cool table did tone down the incoming headache because of the crying.
"Hey, want some pancakes?" A voice said from behind, startling me.
My eyes widened, as I heard Stiles ask me.
"No." My voice came out muffled.
He just had to come when I was crying .
"Here you go, chocolate chip with bananas. Your favourite." Stiles slid a plate, stacked with pancakes towards me.
I looked at him, to see him in my apron saying 'hugs and kisses' with hearts all over it and making pancakes at 3 in the morning.
Is he doing this out of guilt or what?

"Its okay. You don't have to be nice to me." I said, smiling sadly. "Just go back to sleep."
I put my head back on the table.
"I am sorry." He said quietly.
"Uh...what are you talking about?" I asked confused. With all that crying, I think my brain got flooded. I saw that Stiles was sitting and staring at me.

"I wanted apologise for what all I said to you. I didn't realize what a terrible person I was being to you. I was Just blinded with hatred.  So can you please forgive me?" 

"What did I ever do to you?" My voice cracked. I cleared my throat and gave my full attention to Stiles who was sitting with his head bowed down. He looked up to say and his eyes showed remorse.

"I am very sorry. I just want us to be able to work together on this...thi...thing. I just want my friends and loved ones safe." He replied, his fist tightening over.

"I want that too." I said quietly. "All I want is a normal life with normal problems. But what I saw was not my imagination, that I guarantee."

He smiled, his eyes crinkling making him more boyish. "I believe you Lydia."
"Truce?" I put forward my hand.
"Truce. Now eat your food. I know you like to eat when you are upset. I am not that insensitive."
I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Okay okay I was a tad bit insensitive."
I picked up the fork and started eating. There was silence, only the noise of cutlery against each other. I stood up to wash the dishes, when I noticed Stiles was staring.

Staring at me.

I waved my hand in front of him. He snapped out of daydream or nightdream.... Whatever dream he was in.

"I think, now you are calm and composed we should discuss what happened today." Stiles said, staring as if I would go off any minute.

I mean, alright I did cry a lot today but that was all the tension and frustration of weeks. A girl gotta have a good cry now and then.


"Now tell me from the beginning. From when you sneaked out of the house." He said, his eyes narrowing at me. I looked at my lap.

Dont look in the eye!
Dont look!
I am a  person who succumbs to guilt very easily.

"I went to see my friend Kathy." I said, twiddling my fingers.

"Kathy?" His eyebrows crinkled in confusion. "Who is she? I never heard about her before."

"Yeah cuz, you are always in you Stiles Land and don't care about people other than your own peeps." I rolled my eyes at him. The nerve of him. 

"Ok woah! This took a wrong turn. Anyways I don't want to fight so, continuing on. Where does she live?"
"I feel as if I was being interrogated by the FBI. Why do you need these details?" My eyebrows were raised.

"Just answer the question. I will need these someway or other."

"Okay, so she lives about 20 to 25 mins from here."

"And you walked to her house. On foot? Alone? Without telling anybody? Not even Rowan? "

" uh yeah? And why would I tell Rowan?" I hesitated. Stiles started to look angry. I don't wanna see the bad side of him.
"Thats because you always talk to Rowan and you both are very friendly so I thought you may have told him."
He finished.
He took a deep breath and exhaled, then looked me directly in my eye.
"Next time you don't go anywhere, I mean anywhere alone. Do you understand?".
His eyes were dark and face was twisted in frown.
I nodded in a yes motion.
"But why?" My voice was small. Sometimes I am scared of him, okay. He looks really angry and scary when he wants to be..
He came very close to me  before whispering.
"Cuz sweetheart I wont be there to take care of you when you fall and I don't want any other guy there. So you are not going anywhere without me." He smirked.

My cheeks were on fire. My heart went ba-dump. Did he actually care or felt obliged to  do so? I banished these thought  away.
The smile wont leave my face. At this point  I may have a teeny tiny little crush on him.

  He thought for a moment."well except for the washroom."

Way to ruin the moment.

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