Chapter 40

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I'm sorry it's taken me so long eveyrone! I had a good reason! I got a puppy as an early 21st birthday present! She's only 12 weeks old, so she's a handful lol! Her name is Carli, she's a maltese and poodle mix, a "Maltipoo," and she is beyond adorable!!! I'll try to change my profile picture to a picture of her so you guys can see her. She only wieghts about 4lbs!! She's white with cream and tan accents. And she's perfect >.< =D

Anyways I hope you enjoy this long-ish chapter! Please comment!

Chapter 40:

**Bella’s POV**

“How are they?” I entered the office hesitantly. Esme and Rosalie sat on the couch, silently watching over my parents.

“They’re doing fine.” Rosalie huffed.

“What’s the matter?” I asked her, taking the empty seat beside her.

“I just hate it when people have no choice in becoming like us.” She said quietly. Remembering her past, I placed an arm around her and and gently squeezed.

I was amazed at how my parents looked. All three of them looked about 50 years old. “Can they hear us?”

“Yes,” Esme said. “I’ve been trying to communicate with them, but they can’t seem to respond.”

“The pain stops you from being able to speak.” I whispered.

She nodded. “I remember. Vividly. Anyway, I have been trying to explain to them where they are, what’s happening. When your father heard, his fist clenched up for a moment, so he’s no happy about this.”

“Can I have a moment alone with them?”

“Of course dear. We’ll be downstairs if you need us.”

Once they left, I knelt down between Charlie and Rene.

“I….I don’t really know what to say, besides I’m so, so sorry. Dad, I know you’ve always hated this life, and shied away from it as much as possible. Mom, I know you were just introduced to it. And I’m sorry, this is all my fault!” I ran my hands into my hair again, pulling slightly.

“I’m sorry I was so selfish! I couldn’t let you go….I wasn’t ready….I wish I could make this up to you….” I took each of their hands in mine, stroking them softly. “I remember, when I changed, I wished Edward had done this for me. Simply held my hand for awhile. And I know how much it hurts, the fire. Believe me, it will go away soon. And when it does,” I paused, not sure how to explain the wonders awaiting them. “You won’t believe how much of the world you’ve been missing!”

I sat there with them, in silence for a while.

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