this is me

33 6 15



so im here

i wanted to let you know that i might be coming back into wattpad

ive missed you guys and i loved reading my 200 notifications

itll take a bit of time getting back but im willing to put the effort in

the only thing is, i wont be reading all of my notifications and i wont be following back every single person because it takes too much of my day

i wont be posting as much on this book, just occasional updates

i want to be there for you guys but i hope you understand that i cant put so much time out of my day for you guys

im on easter holidays right now and its been so packed

i wont be doing as many covers because thats one of my biggest stresses that i had before

unless youre willing to wait a while for it, i would probably suggest you to find someone else :/

i hope youre all doing well

..well im 13?

im still so young but its older than before

my birthday was the 7th so 2 days ago

i would say im inlove but i know i cant be because im so young and im just being stupid.

he told me he loves me but he probably doesnt mean it because we're just kids

ive missed you guys

i love you

random shit.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora