story time

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k so who wants a story ?

*no one raises hands*

great thats more than i expected so basically this is what happened to me just in one night/abitoftheafternoon.

so i arrived in thailand and already had a bad start bc i was sitting by myself and had no biscuits bc my dad had them

but its k bc i bought pringles with my own money. i took a picture on my phone and its dead so ( i'll explain that soon )

then we got off the aeroplane and it literally took an hour to get through immigration because there was only one foreign passport line and like 5 asean ( south east asian ) passport lines.

then we finally got out of that and then we went through customs which took longer than it had to.

then we went to the taxi line and literally, there were 5 lines and they were all packed to the max.

it took about another hour to get to the front of that line and then like 20 minutes to ridiculous.

so then we got in the taxi but then on the radio there was like a 'one minute silent tribute' to the thailand king who died recently so everyone literally just stopped driving and the police arrested a few people for driving so we just stopped.

and the taxi driver kept his taxi meter on so it charged us another extra like one hundred dollars when it wasnt necessary.

so then we got to our hotel an hour later and we go inside and its getting dark and my dads like "we dont have a thailand adapter"

if ya know what an adapter is just skip this.
so its where you put one nationality's wall plug into this block sorta thing and then it comes out as the nationality's plug that you want, so in my case it was australian to thailand ( LMAO IM LAUGHING SO HARD THAT WAS THE FUNNIEST DESCRIPTION OF A WALL ADAPTOR EVER HAHHAHAH )

so my phone was on like 20% bc i thought i would charge it after the flight.

and i was using it for so long without realising and then it died

then we got maccas ( mcdonalds ) delivery for dinner and omg i was so full like help.

then i used my ipad for ages and when i stopped it was on 10%

then i tried going to sleep but it was so hard bc my sister was on the phone to her friend from australia and she is like the loudest talker ever so jgvswgvwu twuwyu.

so then i couldnt sleep so i put my earphones in and played my ed sheeran and set a timer to stop the music when the timer stops if ya know whta i mean

then i got to sleep and woke up and my ipad was on 9% fortunately but i woke up at 5am so im like shit.

bc australian time is 4 hours ahead so it wouldve been 9am so i was wide awake.

so i just decided to stay awake.

then later i went to the 7 eleven near our hotel with my brother.

and let me just tell you this and please listen....,...... THE THAILAND AIR IS ABSOLUTELY RANK.

i give no offense to any thailand viewers but omg i just cant.

i didnt buy any surgical masks and i regret it so much bc im gonna die here.

so we get to the 7 eleven and im tryna find actual food but of course its a 7 eleven.

then my brothers picking all this junk food like sausage bread and ham and cheese pies which is probably made with no ham or cheese just artificial colours and flavourings.

and then i get so pissed a my brother then we go back home and i didnt know if there was cutlery at the hotel so i didnt buy any jam or butter or whatever so he just gets the bread that i said would do good with those spreads.

so we didnt get the spreads and i looked like an idiot bc i bought bread and he bought snacks so hgusyvtyiw

im really pissed at him now and i havent eaten at all. its 11am and i dont think i'll eat today bc im too pissed.

so yeah, there is a 734 word story on my last night/abitoftheafternoon

youre welcome

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