midfielder chapter 1

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sorry guys but i don't feel like this story is working out, i don't like the storyline very much.

so here is the chapter that i already did. i didn't wanna disappoint you guys.

sorry sorry sorry

( i changed it a lil as well )

the kick of the football is what kept me going, what kept me alive and what kept me from death.

my mum introduced me to the game when i was just a newborn. i kicked that sphere ball before i could even walk.

but now, it's not just a pleasure game, it's my escape. my escape from in hour school and my home.

you might be asking me, what is that supposed to mean? well, i get bullied, a lot. i come home with bruises and i leave home with more.

since my mum passed away almost a year ago, my dad has been abusing me like it was my fault, which he insists it is.

apparently, when i was born seventeen years ago, i diagnosed her with a long time producing cancer, which means that the cancer develops over years, maybe even decades, until most likely leading to severe pain or death, which it did in this case.

although it technically is my fault, i couldn't do anything about it, what was i supposed to do? cure her and live happily ever after? that's only in the movies. this is reality, there is no solution to the problem.

at school it's not as bad as it could be. i do have one friend and his name is liam. i'm thankful that he doesn't bully me, although, he doesn't help either. he usually just watches because he's too afraid to try to stop whoever is bullying me, he's too afraid that it will happen to him.

i do have a mancrush, which i guess considers me as a homosexual. his name is harry styles. if you go to my school and don't know who he is then you must be living under a soundproof rock.

harry is the stereotypical popular guy, except for the fact that he is actually caring. the only reason that i started drooling over him is because on my first day of secondary school ( year seven ), he saved me.

a year eight had started picking on me, he slapped me across the face and kneed me in the stomach, repeating the word 'faggot' over and over. harry had stepped in, punched him in the gut and said "oi, watch what terms you use to call people."

that boy moved a week later because of his mum's job promotion. i didn't even have time to introduce myself or say thank you to harry, i don't even think he saw who he was helping. he didn't talk about it and no one even knew it happened, so it's long gone now, but i will never forget those words, they had so much effect on me.

it's quite absurd that harry has never noticed me for my whole five years of school with him and not to mention that he is also the captain of the school's football team, blue ocelots, the team i play for.

okay but do you really wanna see what my life is like?...


the slight chill in the wind was the sign that winter was here. my small hands gripped on to my grey beanie, making sure it didn't fall off.

my football cleats were metal so they made odd noises as i walked along the concrete. i looked up to see a large football pitch, outstretched across the green.

i also saw a group of guys the same age, if not, younger than me. they all seemed pretty fit, which also made me self conscious, not that i wasn't fit, just that i might not be fit enough.

i opened the small gate to the field benches and took a seat, the others were standing, talking and laughing. i was jealous of them, why couldn't i have that many friends? oh yeah, because i'm the bully target.

suddenly, stomps and loud grunts came from the gate i had just exited from. it was harry. i covered my mouth with my hand while a hint of a smile crept up my cold, pale face.

someone had asked what's wrong and he said, "i'm not captain anymore."

quiet gasps were heard and he walked over to the bench i was sitting on and plonked himself down about a metre away from me. they crowded him, leaving me no space to see.

"coach wants oliver as captain," he said.

there was another sound at the gate and in walked coach buffalo and oliver green who had a wide smirk on his face.

the other players growled at him and i would've too if i wasn't so shy.

"meet your new captain, oliver, everyone," coach buffalo announced. "he will be putting you in your new positions for the rest of the season."

people groaned, knowing he would most likely give people bad positions. coach cleared his throat and simmered the chatter

"i will get equipment while he does that." he said, patting oliver on the back. "oh and... please don't be stupid, i don't wanna ring any grumpy parents."

and with that, he was gone.

"so dickhead, you better give me a midfielder position or i'll slit your throat after school." one guy said.

"yeah, give me goalkeeper, asshole." another added.

oliver frowned, not saying anything while he grabbed a white board with a positioning template on it.

he scribbled a few things down before showing it to everyone. "no swaps, i'm checking later."

i scrambled to get up but was pushed over and i fell to the back. people growled while they walked to the field in their spots.

after several minutes of waiting at the back, it was finally open and i looked to see what position i had been given. i expected a substitute or maybe a wing but... wait what?!

i'm a midfielder and so was harry.

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