i hate .. people

39 7 22

warning : rant you probably dont want to read

i hate some people.

i mean.. doesnt everybody

but i hope the people that i hate dont see this

i can hate people really easily

but i can also change my mind about people really easily

like i hate when people expect me to do something in world record speed

especially if im voluntarily doing it.

like im not a robot

you cant just press the green button then expect me to work my butt off for something i will probably get nothing in return for.

no, im not saying i wont do it but can you please give me some space

im trying and im sorry things get in the way and im sorry i cant do everything you want me to.

but i have a life and people just annoy me sometimes

m'kay my rant is over.

this is not aimed at anyone of you guys.

i was just getting hot headed bc i just got my sister her 7th glass of water today.

it might not seem like much to you but ... if you do the maths ...

5 minute water run X 7 = 35 minutes

thats 35 minutes of my life going up and down stairs to grab a glass, fill up the glass with water and ice, then slowly go back up the stairs without spilling the water, then giving it to her while she complains as to why i took so long.

now im sat here, writing on a screen to people that change my life.

if im out somewhere im usually thinking about you guys.

it might sound cringy and unrealistic but its true.

ok thats all for now

sorry you had to read that

or maybe you didnt even read it

bc its too time wasting


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