"What's wrong with him?!" Camila ask the doctor panic clear in her voice.

Leo didn't answer Camila instead he continue to examine Y/N with furrowed eyebrows.

Camila looks at Y/N pale face and dry lips with sorrow. His sweat rolled down his forehead then to his pale white as snow cheeks like a waterfall. Camila felt her lips quiver at Y/N devastating state.

"I'm so so sorry my Y/N for e-everything. " Camila's tears came crashing down like the titanic.

Leo finally found the source of Y/N injuries but what he saw made him sick to his stomach.

"Oh my...." Camila whisper. Her tears doubled as she saw all the bruises, broken bones, and cuts on Y/N body.

"What have you done Y/B/N. " Leo said in frustration. His eyes glaring at the scars that will be there once he will patch up Y/N.

*2 hours later*

Leo breathe out a sigh, relief flooding his whole body.

"It's done. " Leo said taking a seat beside Camila.

Camila look up with hope. "How is he?"

Leo lean back at his chair exhausted by the surgery and the events occurring around him. "Good news is he didn't damage any vital organs. "

Camila could feel her body relax at the doctor's words but she could feel the unsaid bad news from the man beside her.

"And I'm sure you have some bad news." Camila grip the sides of her chair scared of the answer she will get.

She was already scared of leaving her girls with that crazy chic but now she is petrified at the doctors reaction.

"There's no bad news. " Camila could see right through the doctor's lie. The way his right eye twitch as if his angry but Camila knows its fear.

"Don't bullshit me Leo. "

Leo look at Camila's eyes and saw how they harden into a glare as hard as a rock.

"Y/B/N knows you and Y/N are here. " Leo said.

It isn't a lie. Y/B/N knows that /Y/N and Camila are here not because Leo told her but because nobody could escape this place and nobody would be brave or stupid enough to help Y/B/N prisoners except for Leo.

"You piece of sh-"

"I didn't tell her!" Leo quickly said as he saw Camila raising her gun. "I give you my word Ms. Cabello. "

Camila could feel the truth coming from Leo and plus she knows Y/B/N is not a person who is easily fooled and tricked.

"Then why hasn't she come down with her loud ass crazy persona? " Camila could feel her grip on the gun tightened and her skin crawled at the thought of Y/B/N watching their every move and listening to every spoken words.

"She needs Y/N healed and ready to go for his task. " Leo said solemnly.

"Why can't she have an assassin or mercenary to do her damn dirty work? Why does it have to be Y/N?!" Camila could feel her frustration growing each second at how powerless she is at the situation.

Y/B/N is someone that Camila fears not because she is afraid of her but because she is afraid of what she can do to people with no remorse. Mixing a person with riches, power, and no remorse is something unstoppable. Camila could remember how Y/B/N entered their mansion as silent as the wind taking out their guards easily. But what shock her the most was how easily but brutally she took out Y/F/N and Y/M/N. Their fight was so fast that she and Lauren had a hard time catching up. But in the end no matter what they did Y/B/N won and now they are stuck at this god forsaken place.

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