Chapter Twenty Six || Naming The Nameless

Start from the beginning

(Y/n)'s POV

"What do you mean, get the task done?" I look at him, my heart pounding.
"Well, last time we had a conversation with The Seven. This time, I had someone different in my mind." His smile is a twisted sort, the kind that makes you squirm.
"I have no one else close to me." I lie, knowing if I mention more names, there may be more victims.
"Liar!" He exclaims. I glance over at Ash whose eyes were glued to me. "There's your mother..."
"Who? Oh that's right, I don't give a shit about, yeah she may have given birth to me but she treats me like I'm a chewed piece of gum stuck to her shoe." I snap at him, as much as I despised my mom, I couldn't let her get hurt because of me. I still cared for her, whether I show it or not.
"Again with the lies. If we're going to get along (Y/n), we have to stop LYING!" He practically yelled lying in my face.
"So what are you going to do then?" I say, squirming in my chair.
"I tie her feet and hands Ash." He says, now ignoring me. Ash, not taking his eyes off me, obeys. As soon as my hands are untied I try to go and punch Ash's face but he's quicker.
"Think twice before getting on my bad side darling." He says, loud enough for him to hear. Then quietly drops in, "and if try to do a runner, you'll fall straight through into a pot of darkness as you can see the floor beneath you is just black Mist."
"But how can you..."
"Because it's under the big guys will that anyone walks across this-" he gestures around him "mist thing." He leans in, but I successfully push him away, my face sporting a look of disgust.
"Don't come near me you pervert." I spit at him, making the big guy snicker.
"Having trouble with the ladies Ash?" He says, his voice laced with amusement.
"Nope, she's just playing hard to get." He glances down at me with a smirk. Wasn't the big guy just against Ash's advances. He pulls over Ash to the side and whispers something in his ear, making him glance at me. What are they up to?

Leo's POV

I quickly compose myself, leaving cabin ten as soon as I could. Suddenly a mist appears in front of me, making me half. Someone's trying to Iris message me. I rummage through my pockets, fishing out a bent drachma. "Oh Iris, please except my offer." I mumble quickly, throwing in the drachma. A pale skinny guy, alongside the guy I saw before in the Iris message with (Y/n). And of course, the girl that captured my heart and refused to give it back. (Y/n).
"Leo," she whispered. I felt my eyes sting and my throat close up.
"Well well, the one and only Leo Valdez." I hear the pale skinny guy say. He looks a bit like Octavian, but his hair is jet black. The eyes are the same though. Dead. "The same Leo Valdez that built the Argo II, the one that fell in love with a goddess but couldn't keep her heart. The same boy that fell for his best friends sister." He smirked at the end, his arm folded. I see the guy behind him tense up.
"What do you want?" I spat out, Emmy voice filled with rage.
"What I want? I'm just having fun here, making fear settle in your pretty little hearts is my talent I guess. My job more so." He looked as if he made a clever joke, like an inside joke that only he understood.
"What does that have to do with me? Or (Y/n) as a matter of fact?"
"(Y/n)? Ah yes, the girl. She means nothing to me, I could behead her and send her head in a gift basket to you if you'd like." He looks back at (Y/n) and her eyes are filled with horror. "Listen here, son of Hephaestus. To get back your precious angel, you and your crew, The Seven, have to do some... how do I put this correctly...tasks. For me. Once I know that they are complete, you can have her, for I have no use of her." I look at him suspiciously.
"What's the catch?"
"Catch? Well, if the tasks aren't done properly, let's say you cheated or lied, I will have her head." That's when (Y/n) spoke up.
"My head?" She says, her voice laced with fear and anger. "May the gods hear my plea to send you to Tartarus!" Then she looks at me. "Don't listen to him Leo, he is evil. Don't listen to him and come. If I die, then I die but I can't have you of all people risk their life for me!"

(Y/n)'s POV

"Please just listen to me Leo," I beg him, my hands clenched into fists. I notice him fish out his phone (demigod friendly of course) and snap a picture of us, right before saying,
"I'll come for you (Y/n), even if that means I will die." Then with a swift motion he runs his hand through the Mist, leaving me staring after the boy I've pined over for a long time.
"No," I whisper to myself, I feel my broken soul breaking further. Like a small crack deepening, reaching levels of brokenness that I thought I'd never reach again. No, I can't lose him too. Even if he can never be mine, it was better to have him around and know his heart didn't belong to me than not have him around at all.

Percy's POV

I was in the arena, taking my anger and frustration that I'd been gathering over this past week when Leo comes running. He looks certainly out of breath, he needs to train with me more often. Wait, I'm getting off the point. "Hey man you okay?" I say, as he holds up his hand, gesturing for me to giving him a minute.
"I know *pant* who took *pant* (Y/n)." He says through deep breaths. That certainly caught my attention.
"What who?" I say, my eyes widening, my brain going through the potential danger I could put my friends through if we decide to go after the maniac that took my sister.
"This guy," Leo says, straightening. He takes his phone out and shows me a familiar photo. I photo of someone I'd battled before. Years ago. It all made sense now. Aphrodite and Ares. The 5 and 10. But not the note about how the show must go on. But I'll get to that later. At least I knew where, or should I say whom, to start. The man, or should I say god, that took my sister was Phobos.

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