"I didn't think angels were anything more than vessels for emotions," Mal said, puzzled.

Beatrice smirked, almost knowingly. "Oh really? Have Angela and Michael not told you?"

Mal almost felt afraid. "Told me what? What's going on?" She looked over to Angela, who was about ready to kill Beatrice.

"Beatrice... I told you--" Angela said through clenched teeth.

"That you didn't want me to say anything about what we really are, I know. But I figured I would, because you can't keep something like this from her. She's one of us now, Angela."

Malea stared in shock at Angela. "Have you been lying to me?"

Angela looked despaired. "Malea, please, let me explain. It's more complicated than it looks."

Mal's throat felt dry. "I trusted you," She said quietly.

"Just let me explain. Please." Angela begged. She looked ready to cry.

Mal felt hurt. She loved Angela, and knew that she wouldn't lie to her. What could possibly make her? So Mal nodded weakly.

Angela took a deep breath. "Everything that I've told you so far is true. Angels do help humans feel things. But there's more than that," She glanced at Beatrice, who gave her a slight nod to continue. "Angels actually are what everyone makes them out to be. Messengers and soldiers of God. But that's all the other angels. You, me, Beatrice, Michael, and all the others are... special," Angela took another deep breath. "Angels of emotions have more power than anything on this earth. In fact, they-- we-- probably have enough power to rip the world in half." Angela looked at Mal sadly, apologetically, but didn't say anything else.

"Tell her the rest," Beatrice said softly. "She should hear it from you."

Angela looked despaired. "I can't... She--"

"She's already in danger, Angela. Just tell her."

Angela looked ready to cry again. "Michael and I thought it would be safer if you didn't know. We don't even know how this is possible, with you being human... but you're an angel now," She ran a hand through her hair, as if she was avoiding something. "Since we actually control and influence the feelings of humans, we have an incredible amount of power over them. And some people want that power for their own means."

Something dawned on Malea. "The stalker..."

Angela nodded sadly. "We hoped it wouldn't be one of them, but... it looks like it might be. Avoiding the police, stealthily watching... fits the profile."

Mal rubbed her face, as is to clear her head. "So, this guy... how do you even harness an angel's power?"

"Of course you would ask... I should've known..." Angela laughed bitterly. "It's an unpleasant, complicated process. To be honest, I really don't want to say."

That was all Malea needed to hear. It was pretty bad. She sighed. "So... what now?"

Angela looked a little nervous. "Um... how mad at me are you for... not telling you?" Mal couldn't help but notice how she said not tell instead of lie.

Malea sighed. She was too worried and even a little curious to be enraged at Angela. She was in love with the woman, and Angela loved her back. Because of that, she could somewhat understand her reasons for keeping it a secret.

"Is there anything else you want to know?" Beatrice asked, interrupting Mal's train of thought.

Mal sighed again and shook her head. "I don't know... I just need time to process."

Angela nodded and turned to Beatrice. "Bea, if you could stay awhile... I don't mean to push, but--"

"It'd be no trouble. I'd be glad to stay," Beatrice smiled empathetically. "I'll go get settled in the guest room, give you two a few minutes..." She stood and walked out, leaving Mal and Angela alone.

"Um, if you want to go back to your brother's place, that's fine I can drive you over--" Angela started.

"No, I... I want to stay here with you." Mal looked at Angela's beautiful face for a moment before her gaze dropped to the floor.

"Even though..."

Mal nodded. "Yes." She looked her girlfriend straight in the eye to let her know she was serious, and this time it was Angela's gaze that dropped first.

Angela swallowed nervously. "I'm sorry, Malea... I never meant to lie to you."

Malea just nodded. "I know." They both leaned in to the other at the same time.

Mal was confused about Angela's lying, and Angela was guilty about lying to Malea. Yet they kissed more passionately than ever.

Angela tangled her fingers into Malea's hair, who was kissing her hungrily. Angela put her other hand on Malea's waist. The kiss became more heated, and soon Mal was straddling Angela's lap.

Angela's hand felt cool on Malea's skin as she moved up her back. Her fingers toyed with Mal's bra strap and her tongue toyed with Mal's tongue.

Malea pulled away from Angela when she started to unhook her bra. "No, not... not yet."

Angela blushed guility. "Sorry... I didn't mean--"

"I know," Malea said and gave her an apologetic kiss. She climbed off of Angela's lap. "So... what now?"

Angela gave a small shrug. "I don't know. I'll teach you about angelic power, and so can Beatrice... but other than that, we need to go dress shopping."

Malea groaned. "No, please, anything but that... I still don't want to go to prom..."

"You said you would!"

"Doesn't mean that I'll enjoy it..." Mal muttered. Angela hit her on the arm.

"Come on. For me?" Angela made the puppy dog face.

Mal looked over at her. "Oh god, not that... when you say 'for me' it makes me cave..."

Angela just grinned evilly at her newfound power over Malea.

"Dammit!" Mal muttered.


Author's note:

FINALLY! *cheers and confetti* It's updated!!! I'm so sorry guys, I know you think I'm the meanest person for not updating! But I didn't mean to! It wasn't on purpose!

Okay, now for the chapter. Holy crap! Major plot twist! Didn't see that coming, did ya?

Well, maybe you did. But I doubt it. If you did, well... then I guess you get a dedication.

Since I've passed my little writer's block and I got my chapter done that I needed to, I should be updating more often. However, (like I said in my message to fans), Diablo 3 has come out... soo... yea. But I shall not abandon you! I like writing this story too much.

Once again, thank you for being so awesome my readers! Stay... um... (I don't want to say "stay beautiful" because that's just stupid, and so is "stay awesome," so,) stay and read! (Wow, that's almost just as bad... oh well.)

P.S. Gasoline by Sheryl Crow is a good song. I was listening to it when I wrote that part and I was like "hey, Malea's awesome enough to listen to Sheryl Crow. So she will!" Song on left. No, your other left.

Is This Heaven, or Hell?  (Lesbian/girlxgirl)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora