Is This Heaven, or Hell?

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                                                                       Note: This is a story with a relationship between                                                                                                      two GIRLS. If that's not your thing, then go away!

                                    But you reallly should try it out. It kicks ass, and diversity is good for you.

She was sitting against the wall, sobbing and occasionally letting out a choked scream. Her face was buried in her chained hands, wrists rubbed raw from the metal. She didn't want to give in, but what choice was there? She couldn't die. Just couldn't. Even during the torture, she wouldn't die. At least hell would be better than this. "Why won't you let me die?!" She screamed to the darkness, choking on her own voice and sobbing more. It was useless to hope for anything less than death at this point, there was nothing to live for. Angela was gone. The world was doomed. "Please, just kill me!" She sobbed futilely.

"Why would I do that, Malea?" A voice in the darkness answered mockingly.

Malea refused to answer and let out a wordless scream.

The voice tsked. "Poor little Malea. So alone..." It cackled with amusement.

Malea cried silently then, as the voice faded out and left her to rot. "Oh Angela... what have I done?"


Six months earlier...

"Come on Mal, you're gonna be late for school!"

Malea groaned into her pillow. "I hate Mondays..."

"I really don't want to come up there and pull you out from under the covers, because I'll probably trip and break my neck over that mess on the floor!" Her older brother threatened.

"Then go ahead and come up here..." Mal muttered into her pillow pessimistically. She yawned and pulled the blanket up closer. Thankfully, she got a little sleep last night, but not nearly enough. At least she didn't have a nightmare.

She heard her brother coming up the stairs. He opened the door to her mess, frowning at it. Malea's room looked more like a boy's would because of all the crap on the floor, but it wasn't because she didn't feel the need to clean it, it was because she didn't have the time or energy to do so. "Mal..." Her brother pretty much growled at her.

She groaned again. "I'm getting up, I'm getting up... go get ready for work." Footsteps pounded down the stairs and Malea threw the blanket off.

Stumbling to the bathroom, she dragged a brush through her tangled jet black hair and started to brush her teeth. It was incredibly difficult, but Malea had trained herself to multi-task like a freak. She was the closest thing to ambidextrous anyone could get from her odd routine. Mal had forced herself to crunch down her schedule because she needed more sleep, and brushing her hair and teeth simultaneously had shaved off a good ten minutes.

Malea had just pulled on a pair of black jeans and a dark red tank top when her brother shouted up a question. "Do you have everything ready for school?"

"All packed and ready to go!" Quickly zipping her boots, Mal grabbed her laptop in its case and rushed down the stairs. "Ten minutes and I have time for breakfast! Ha!" She plopped herself down at the cheap excuse of a table they used and grabbed a chocolate muffin.

Her brother was finishing getting ready and glanced at his watch. "Not really. Better eat that in the car."

"Shit. Why can't you tell me these things earlier, Zack?"

Is This Heaven, or Hell?  (Lesbian/girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now