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For the rest of the week, Angela tried to be normal around Mal, but Malea still noticed it. She couldn't tell what it was, but she could tell that something was wrong. Whenever she tried to ask about it, Angela brushed it off. Friday was the first somewhat normal day.

"Hey there," Angela said as Mal dashed into her seat. "What's up?"

"Just waiting for the day to be over... the weekend is bliss-- I get to sleep all I need."

Angela grinned. "Always a good thing." She seemed back to normal; a little more relaxed, which perplexed Malea some more.


"If you want it, come and get it shortie!"

"That's not fair! Give it back!"

"What's the matter? Cat got your height?"

They all guffawed. The jocks were teasing a short kid by holding his lunch above his head, which he couldn't reach by a few inches. The idiots were particularly rambunctious and mean today.

Angela sighed as she sat across the lunch table from Mal. "Why do that to someone?"

Mal shrugged. "Because they're idiots?"

"Is that your answer for everything?"


Angela laughed, but it soon went silent as one of the bullies came over to her. "Um, hello?"

The guy leaned on the table, eyeing Angela up and down. "You're the new chick, right?"

Angela narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "I suppose. Who wants to know?"

The guy grinned, showing perfect white teeth. "Names Derick. Ya know, for a new girl, you ain't as bad lookin' as they usually are. In fact, you're hot. Wanna go out tonight?"

"Look," Malea put her elbows on the table and leaned towards Derick. "I'll say this nicely. Why don't you piss off."

He seemed to just now notice Mal. "Oh yea? Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?"

"Malea," Angela drawled, "Has a point. Why don't you piss off?"

Derick just grinned cockily. "Why, don't you wanna be with the hottest, most popular guy in school?"

Angela took a sip of milk, then poured it out all over Derick. "I don't date douchebags."

Malea burst out laughing, because the guy just stood there for a minute, trying to get what just happened in his tiny brain. Angela smirked with victory at Derick's face, red with rage. Instead of cussing them out or trying to hit them, he stalked off towards his pack of jocks. Angela and Mal looked at each other once before bursting out laughing.

Wiping away the tears of laughter, Malea looked at Angela, who was studying her face. "What?"

"Wanna go out some time?"

Mal's head was filled with a hundred thoughts at the same time, vying for control. "You... what?"

Angela didn't break eye contact. "For, I don't know, coffee or something. You don't seem like the type to hang out at the mall."

Malea blinked as she tried to gather her thoughts. "Yeah. Yea, that sounds fun." She managed a normal smile, but inside she was thinking Oh my god the angel asked me out! If she's lesbian, I swear that she's mine!

Angela smiled back. "Great. How about tomorrow at ten?"

"Sure. See you then." Malea answered. Angela had a great smile.

Is This Heaven, or Hell?  (Lesbian/girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now