A Decision (2)

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After Trunk and the others had a lot of fun they decided to take a break.

Trunk POV.

I noticed Poppy wink at Dj Suki then grabbed Branch.

"Branch can you come with me for a minute?" Poppy said pulling Branch.

"Sure?" Branch replied unsure and followed Poppy.

As soon as Poppy and Branch was out of sight Dj broke the silence by asking a question.

"Hey Trunk?" Dj asked rubbing the back of her neck.

"Yeah?" I asked raising one eyebrow.

"I want to tell you something." Dj said in a shaky voice.

"Um........sure?" I said unsure.

"I have been feeling this way for quite some time now......and I realized what that feeling is." Dj started as she was moving closer.

"Oh, um......what is it?" I said tension raising up my veins hoping it's not why I think it is.

"I-I lo-ve y-you." Dj said in a very shaky voice.

"..........." I was speechless at Dj's confession but just as I was gonna say a word Dj grabbed my vest and kissed me on the lips.

When the kiss broke I was too shocked to say a thing my eyes was wide open at what just had happened.

"Sorry it wa-s j-just so sudden I-I c- ." Dj stuttered as I interrupted her.

"No its fine...know you didn't mean to- ." I said as a familiar voice interrupted.

"Your saying it's FINE?!?" Moxie said from behind.

"Moxie I can explain- ." I said as I tried to straighten what just happened.

"You know what No! I am gonna give you 1 hour to decide who you really love and that's it! So think about it carefully!" Moxie said and ran away crying.

Just when Moxie was out of sight Poppy and Branch came back.

"So? Um....." Poppy said as she noticed I had a frightful expression on my face.

"What happened?" Branch asked confused.

"Sorry..... I-I need to go home right now and think about stuff." I said as I felt a tear escaping my eyes as I run back to my pod.

Branch POV.

Trunk left in a hurry but I noticed tears in his eyes just before he turned his back on us. So I decided to go and comfort him, leaving Poppy and Dj Suki I went to Trunk's pod.

Poppy POV.

"Dj? What happened?" I asked with a concerned expression.

"I-it's all my fault." Dj muttered under her breath.

"What is your fault?" I asked very confused.

After Dj had explained all I could do is stay still in one spot speechles.

"Why don't you tell Moxie what really happened? Why don't you tell her what was your real intensions?" I suggested.

"That's just gonna make everything worse!" Dj exclaimed.

"You never know until you try." I said and gave her a small smile.


I thought about Poppy's idea a bit and finally agreed because the last thing Trunk needs right now is something that can make him really stressed out. I went to Moxie's pod and knocked.

"Who is it?" Moxie said between sobs.

"I-it's Dj." I said with nervousness in my voice.

"What do you want now?!?" Moxie said angrily as she opened the door.

"I-I want to explain what was going on a while ago." I pleaded.

"Why?! I know what was goinh on! My bowfriend was cheating on me! Kissing YOU!" Moxie said in a voice full of anger and sadness.

"Please just let me explain!" I begged.

"Ok fine!" Moxie said and crossed her arms.

"Then explain!" Moxie said impatient.

After a I explained the angry expression that was on Moxie's face changed into a much gentle one.

"Ok...I-I understand." Moxie said and gave a weak smile.

After seeing that Moxie finally understand Branch came running to us with a very worried expression.

"Branch, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I-it's Trunk, he locked himself in his room curled up mumbling things to himself while rocking from his position! He-He's like loosing it!" Branch said very worried.

I gave Moxie a nod that said let's go and we headed to Trunk's pod.


Hope you like this chapter, I placed a lot of thought in this......actually not the ideas just pop in my brain randomly....anyway what do you think will happen to Trunk will he go mad? Will he commit suicide(maybe)? Well you'll just have to wait and see but if you like this chapter don't forget to vote and till the next chapter BBBYYYEEE!!! BROPPY 4 LIFE!

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