The End of Everything

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When Trunk got to the Old Troll Tree he first went to the royal family's castle.

Trunk POV.

When I got to the castle Creek stepped out of the shadows and grinned at me.

"Hey! What have you done with my friends Creep!" I said full of anger.

"Follow me you'll see for your self." Creek said with a evil smile.
When we got to the place Creep was talking about, I saw all of my friends in the cage gray and Branch was in the corner shivering.

"Branch?" I asked concerned.

"Stay Away!" Branch yelled with fear and anger.

"But- ." I said as I got interrupted by Branch strangling me with his hair.

"Your a traitor!" Branch growled and took out a glowing knife.

"Is t-that th-e k-knife o-of al-deg-ard?" I manged to choke out.

"Yes what of it!" Branch snickered.

"Boo-hoo! Branch is gonna kill you!" Creek smirked.

"Branch No!" Poppy interrupted.

"He's a traitor! I need to kill him!" Branch said.

"Trunk I bet your thinking you can't die cause your a vampire." Creek said confident.

"N-no! I kn-ow w-what knife th-at is, it's t-the only kn-ife th-at can k-kill a v-am-pire." I choked out.

"Glad you know it! Cause you deserve death!" Branch exclaimed and shoved the knife in my stomach.

After Branch stabbed me I got weaker the last thing I saw was Creek laughing and shooting my 'friends' then I blacked out. But I knew in my heart I would be with him forever together.

                      The End


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