It's Gonna be harder than I Thought

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While Trunk was trying to figure out where to find the snack pack he got attacked by a giant spider.

Trunk POV.

I was looking for a path that can take me somewhere a spider attacked me.

"This is the third one!" I grunted and took a knife from my back pack and threw it on the head of the spider.

"Done!" I said with relief.

"Good thing I brought loads of knives and other stuff with me amd an additional of 5 knives in my hair." I thought to myself.

After walking around I realized I have become even more lost I stopped and took a break.

"Ugh! I'll never be able to find them!" I groaned.

"No! I am not giving up, Branch didn't give up on me I ain't giving up on them!" I saif to myself and stood up thinking where could they be.

"Got it! In Chef's lair!" I said as I tried to think where it was.

After a few more looks on which wsy to go I just decided to use one of my abilities.

"Hmmm? Since Branch and the rest got captured I should at least be able to hear them asking for help if I use my ability to hear within 10 miles (don't know how far that is). My eyes turned red and I calmed my mind and listened carefully.

"I hope Trunk finds us." I faint but familiar voice said from far away.

"Don't worry I'll find you guys." I said to myself and continued walking towards the direction of the voice.

After an hour of walking it turned night so I decided to camp out.

"Why can't we live in harmony." I sang.

"All we ask is to live in peace." I continued singing while setting ul my sleeping bag.

"Is there even a day where we are safe." I sang.

"Cause all we want is peace in our world." I sang as I finished setting the sleeping bag.

Branch POV.

"Can we even get out of here." Branch sang.

"If we do, all of it will start all over again." I continued singing.

"But I know there is hope." I sang.

"Cause there always is hope." Poppy sang sitting next to me in the cage.

"As long as we don't give up, it's okay to feel a bit down." Poppy continued singing.

"But there's one thing to remember, there's one thing always to do." I sang and gave a smile to Poppy.

"And that is to never give up never give up till the end." Poppy sang returning the smile.

Your POV.

"We will always be together." Trunk sang in the forest.

"We will always remain in each others hearts." Branch sang in the cage.

"Cause there will always be a vision that's imprinted deep within." Poppy sang in the cage with Branch.

"And I will never give up, cause I know I will have you forever deep in my heart, we will remain together,remain together, remain forever together." The three sang in unison from where they are.

Trunk POV.

"Branch, your right singing does help you feel better." I said imagening Branch can hear me.


Hope you like the chapter, I made the song if you want to hear me sing it maybe I'll make a video or something anyway hope you like this chapter and didn't believe the "The End" thing last chapter anyway BBBBYYYYYEEEEE!!!!! BROPPY 4 LIFE!

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