Story Telling

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All of the trolls gathered in the mushroom took a seat to listen to the story so Trunk took a seat on the giant mushroom so everyone can hear his story.

Trunk POV.

"As I was saying before Branch interrupted me." I said looking at Branch as he gave a nervous chuckle.

"I was eavesdropping on Mom and Dad's conversation when I was about 7 and heard something about when are they gonna tell Branch that Dad was a vampire, and thought to myself isn't that Mom and Dad? I said as I looked at the two familiar trolls remembering the pictures grandpa used to show me, of my supposed to be parents. As much as I wanted to go and show myself to them a stream of sadness overtook me as I remembered they don't want me so I left. When I was heading back to the shelter I made a spider appeared and went closer to me while hissing, I was so scared not knowing what to do so I just did an instinct I always do when I'm scared, I punched the spider and it went flying that's when I realized what was I." I explained.

"So that's just it?" Branch said blankly.

"Well no but the rest is just how I livedy life in the shadows, nearly getting eaten by random creatures, and practically get hurt a lot, etc.." I explained.

"Oh, ok." Branch said and smiled.
"Hey Mom how come Branch isn't part vampire?" I asked turning my head to mom.

"Well that's the only thing I can't explain." Mom said disappointed she can't help with more information.

"Anyway just curious, where do you sleep since Branch didn't allow you to sleep in the bunker?" I asked.

"Oh, I was sleeping in a spare room in the castle." Mom answered.

"Good, cause I thought you were sleeping in random places." I said with a laugh.

"Cut it out Trunk!" Poppy argued.

"Yeah, yeah, I know but we better head home." I said starting to get a bit dizzy.

"Why?" Branch asked tilting his head.

"Becau- ." I said as I was interrupted by my head suddenly hurting so much.

"Because what?" Branch asked beginning to get worried.

"Bec- ." I tried to say again holding my head but was interrupted by a worser pain in my head, then I blacked out.

Branch POV.

Trunk went unconscious infront of us and I literally went on panic mode.

"Branch! Chill!" Poppy said trying to calm me down.

"How can I chill?!" I said still in a panic.

"He'll be fine, I know for a fact." Poppy said with a reassuring smile.

"Ok." I said calming down.


Hurray another chapter done anyway if you like this chapter....well you know what to do anyway see ya in the next chapter

Branch has a twin: Forever TogetherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin