Chapter 14

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Five months of check-ups and visits from Mason who apparently decided to tell Corey about the pregnancy. To be fair Corey took it well and started to become friends with Theo, so that worked out fine. Everything was going on great and today they were going to find out the sex of the baby so they were on their way to the animal clinic to see Deaton, Mason and Corey decided to tag along.

They went in to the animal clinic and Deaton was expecting them but they surprising thing was the scent that hit Liam nose, and he knew that Theo smelt it too because he was frozen, standing perfectly still right beside him. To be fair Liam was frozen too and Mason and Corey had no idea what was going on until the person walked through the doors.

"Scott!" Mason says surprised

"what are you doing here?" Corey asks, not rudely just concerned. Scott just walked past the pair and straight to Liam, as soon as Theo saw and smelt the anger coming of Scott he rushed to get in front of his mate and their unborn child, to protect them, it was instinct. When Scott saw that he stopped dead in his tracks and look over Theo's shoulder to make eye contact with Liam.

"Liam?" Scott said when he saw the tears in his beta's eyes and Theo could feel the sadness radiating of Liam so he turned to face him and pulled Liam into his arms holding him tightly, which was sort of hard with the growing baby bump between them, so he held him as tightly as he could without suffocating him. Liam started to sob into Theo's chest, Theo rubbed circles into Liam's back until he calmed down. "Liam why are you crying?" Scott reached out and Liam thought that Scott might hit him and apparently so did Theo because next thing Liam saw was Scott being pushed up against a wall by Theo and Theo growling in Scott's face. Liam rushed to them and put his hand on Theo to calm him but without thinking Theo growled in his face and as soon as he realised he froze and started to mutter.

"I'm so sorry puppy, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry puppy." Liam just Shuster him.

"hey it's okay, we're okay." Liam said pointing towards his belly. He then pulls Theo in for a quick kiss and turns back to Scott. "I'm sorry Scott it was just protective instincts, he has been one thousand times more protective since the baby"

"It's alright Liam" Scott says. "all I wanna know is why you didn't tell me?"

"I... I was... scared" Liam said and saw the way Scott froze "I thought that you might have kicked me out of the pack because I was pregnant and the baby was Theo's and I was scared" Liam explained.

"Liam I am so sorry" Scott said and walked slowly towards Liam, cautious not to scare him, "I am so sorry that I made you feel that way, it's okay we accept you and I know that you don't really get a choice in who your mate is, it just happens. I would never kick you out of the pack". Liam starts to sob so Scott slowly pulls him into an embrace careful not to hurt him and Liam clings onto him and sobs.

"wait what do you mean we?" Theo asks from behind Liam.

"Scott who else knows that I'm pregnant?" Liam asks as he starts to pull away.

"sort of the whole pack" Scott says "we could feel the pregnancy in the pack, that's how I found out. We didn't know that it was you at first but I figured it out when I went and asked the other members of the pack and they were as surprised as I was so we all came back to Beacon Hills to check with the rest of the pack. We came here first to talk to Deaton and see if he knew anything and then you walked in. And well when I saw you I figured it out"

"wait so that means that the whole pack is here?" Mason asks

"sort of they are outside I told them to wait there for me while I talked to Deaton" Scott explains.

"oh okay so they know that I'm pregnant" Liam says.

"yes dumb-ass we know" Stiles says from the door and Lydia smacks him across the head.

"but did it have to be with Theo?" Malia asks and just to annoy her Liam turns to Theo and kisses him then he turns back to Malian and sticks his tongue out.

"so anyways Liam we need to go to Deaton for your check-up" Theo says and holds Liam's hand and pulls him towards the backroom where the sonogram machine is.

"you guys can come to if you wanna see the baby" Liam calls behind him towards the pack. "we're finding out the sex today". The pack follow them towards the backroom and watch as Liam lays down on the table and Deaton puts on the gel and starts up the sonogram machine, as soon as the sonogram machine starts everyone goes quiet and listens to the baby's heartbeat and watch the screen.

"look there it is" Deaton says

"so what is the sex of the baby?" Liam asks

"the baby is going to be a..." Deaton says and everyone holds their breaths waiting.


* Hey people, sorry for the late updates I have had so much school work. I need your help, what do you guys think the sex of the baby should be and what should i name it?

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