Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

After a while, Deaton calls up the school and tells them that Liam will be home schooled for a while, because his I.E.D came back and that he will return to school when he was finished being treated.

"Theo, I am hungry" Liam whines.

"is that normal? He has been hungry all day" Theo asks Deaton.

"yes, it is normal, so you better stock up on food. Also after a while he will start to get really emotional" Deaton explains.

"I guess we better go grocery shopping" Theo says to Liam and Liam just nods in response.

"just make sure you come by every few weeks for a check-up, okay?" Deaton tells them as they head out of the clinic.

"okay, thank you doctor Deaton" Liam says nicely. They leave the clinic and go to Theo's car, Theo drives to the grocery store and parks the car. They walk inside and grab a shopping cart, Liam pushes it along while Theo starts to pick out some groceries. "I feel like eating pasta. Can we please get some pasta?"

"yeah of course, puppy" Theo said and then suddenly stopped "sorry I didn't mean to call you that" Theo turned to look at Liam, and Liam was chuckling lightly. "what's so funny?"

"nothing. It's just that you got so scared, it's okay if you call me puppy, I was just really angry before" Liam says and pecks Theo on the cheek.

"oh, okay, that's good puppy" Theo says. They walked to the pasta aisle so that Theo could get some pasta to cook for Liam. As they walked into the aisle a familiar scent hit Liam's nose.

"Liam..." a familiar voice said "and Theo?". Liam turned to look at the person, he knew who it was already.

"Mason, it's good to see you" Liam says "how's Corey?"

"Corey is fine I came to the store to get him some soup" Mason says "what are you doing here with him?" Mason points towards Theo.

"didn't you hear? I am pretty sure Hayden would have told you." Liam says confused.

"tell me what?" Mason asks

"Theo and I are dating" Liam says softly.

"I KNEW IT!" Mason exclaims "I knew you were gay" he says a bit softer this time.

"wait so you aren't even going to comment on the fact that I am dating Theo." Liam says. Theo was ignoring their little conversation this whole time trying to pick out pasta, but when he heard that he turned to look at Liam and gave him a look that said he was hurt. "I didn't mean it like that" Liam says to Theo and Theo just smiles and turns to look at the pasta again.

"did I just see Theo Raeken smile. As in not smirk but actual smile" Mason says excitedly.

"I see him smile all the time" Liam comments and Mason just starts to laugh. Suddenly, Liam started to feel sick and he knew what was happening, he knew that Theo could sense what was happening because he instantly grabbed Liam's hand gently and hauled him to the nearest bathroom. Mason followed closely behind them, curious as to what could be happening. Then Liam just kneeled in front of the closest toilet and started to be sick and Mason starts to get worried.

"what the hell is happening? He needs to see a doctor! Is he sick!" Mason starts to yell and Theo gets up from where he was comforting Liam to stand in front of Mason.

"you need to leave!" Theo demanded. Liam stood up after he was done being sick and went to wash up before he went to stand between Theo and Mason.

"Theo, hey, it's okay" Liam reassures him.

"Liam are you okay? What happened?" Mason asks worriedly, and Liam looks towards Theo.

"it's up to you if you want to tell him" Theo says and Liam turns back to Mason.

"Mason I need to tell you something" Liam says and Mason makes a go on motion with his hands "I am pregnant..." Liam puts up his hand before Mason can interrupt and continues "...we sort of had sex during the full moon and things happened and we went to see Deaton and he said that I was pregnant and I even have pictures from the sonogram if you wanna see" Liam finished and looked at Mason who was frozen shocked.

"b-but you're a Boy?" Mason finally manages to say.

"yeah I know that, Mason. Deaton said that it is normal in werewolves if they have a male mate" Liam explains.

"you got my best friend pregnant!" Mason turned to glare at Theo. Theo glared back harder and he would push Mason against a wall and growl in his face if it weren't for his pregnant mate standing in between them. Liam held Mason back before he got himself killed because he could smell the anger coming from Theo.

"Mason it's okay Deaton called the school and told them that I will be home schooled for a while because of my I.E.D and they said that's okay. So I will have the baby and then I can graduate from high school and everything will be okay" Liam said and Mason relaxed a bit.

"does that mean I get to be an uncle" Mason asked jokingly and Liam just laughed and nod his head in a yes motion. They went their separate ways after saying goodbye and hugging and Mason glaring threateningly at Theo one last time and Theo glaring back. Liam and Theo payed for the food and went back to the apartment and Liam sat and watched Theo make the pasta for him. They had lunch and hung out the whole day the Liam fell asleep in Theo's lap and Theo carried him to the bedroom and lay him down on the bed before getting in himself and watching Liam sleep until he fell asleep as well.

Meanwhile in Mexico...

"I have heard disturbing news from a druid" Araya says "she says that the first beta of a true alpha and a chimera are having a baby, it is an abomination and we must get rid of it"

"well we better start planning then" a hunter says

"yes the abomination must be killed before it is born, or else destruction will be brought upon this world" Araya says and they start to plan the best way to kill the abomination before it is born.

Thiam - I'm Responsible For Youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن