Chapter 3

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Liam got changed into a pair of jeans and a white shirt. He ran out of the house and started to sniff the air for Theo. He found his scent and started to follow it, it led to an apartment building. He followed it all the way up to the 3rd floor and the scent ended at the apartment door that read 313. He knocked on the door and as soon as it opened and Liam saw that it was Theo, Liam pushed Theo up against the wall and started to choke him "because of you my girlfriend dumped me" Liam shouted angrily.

"how is it my fault that your girlfriend decided to dump you?" Theo shouted and grabbed Liam by his throat and turned him around so that now Liam was the one being pinned up against the wall.

"she caught your sent in my room and stormed out saying that me and her were over" Liam left out the things about her thinking that he was gay and that he was sleeping with Theo.

"actually it's her and I" Theo corrected and Liam growled in his face. Theo smirked and said "well instead of looking for me you should have probably gone after her. now if you don't mind I need to go and get some new furniture for my new apartment" Theo said and let go off Liam. "you can show yourself out" Theo walked into the kitchen of the apartment and Liam left banging the door closed. He ran all the way to Hayden's house but froze at the door when he caught a scent it was familiar but didn't belong to anyone from Hayden's family, so Liam went up to the front door and knocked. A few seconds later someone open the door but it wasn't Hayden, it was... Gwen?

"Babe who's at the door" Liam heard Hayden's voice say, 'babe?' what the fuck was going on.

"it's Liam" Gwen said sort of surprised then he saw Hayden run to the door. "I thought you said that you guys broke up?" Gwen asked Hayden.

"we did break up" Hayden reassured Gwen then turned to face Liam "what the fuck do you want?"

"nothing... uh... nothing, I'm... just gonna... um... go" Liam stuttered then started to run, tears flowing from his eyes. He didn't realise where he was going until he reached the apartment door. He knocked on the door but there was no reply so he focused his hearing and realised that there was no one inside. He slid to the ground his back against the door, his head in his hands and started to sob.

He heard footsteps coming towards him so he got up to his feet and wiped away his tears, when he saw that it was Theo he started to run but Theo caught him by the arm and pulled him back. "what happened?" Theo asked softly.

"she loves someone else" Liam said between sobs. Theo fumbles for something in his pocket then he takes out a key and jams it into the lock on the door, he swings the door open and drags Liam inside, sitting him down on a couch that wasn't there this morning.

"stay there" Theo said and rushes back outside, coming back inside holding bags of groceries. He went into the kitchen and put them down. He came back to where Liam was sitting and held out a glass of water, Liam eyed the glass suspiciously "don't worry I didn't poison it" Theo said and held it out to Liam again "here drink, it's just water" Liam took the glass, his fingers accidently grazing against Theo's and nearly dropped the glass of water, but thanks to Theo's fast reflexes he caught it before it could hit the ground. "what the hell Liam?"

"I'm... sorry" Liam stuttered "Hayden she... um... she thought that we were sleeping... together" this time it was Theo that dropped the glass, no one caught is so shards of glass went flying everywhere. The water spilling on the ground.

"WHAT?" Theo shouted surprised.

"sorry" Liam said quietly then got off the couch and bent down to pick up the broken glass pieces. "I went to talk to her and tell here that we weren't sleeping together but then Gwen opened the door and Hayden called her babe then she told her the we were broken up and I felt like crying so I started to run because I didn't want her to see me cry and I didn't know where I was going until I reached your apartment door but then I saw that you weren't home and I just sat against your door and started to cry and you know the rest" Liam started to mumble and one of the broken glass shards stabbed him in the hand "ow" Liam tried to take it out but his vision was blurry from the tears and the glass had embedded its self in his skin. Liam started to get frustrated then he felt arms hold him and pull him to his feet.

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