Chapter 5.1: Protect the Citizens

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The girl flared her nostrils and jabbed her index finger into her father's bulking chest. "Get yourself together, father. Wall Rose's been breached and the citizens need to get to safety! Get your arse out of this pig-hovel and escort them to the inner gate!"

Liam's eyes widened at his daughter's sudden bitter tone, she'd sounded just like Cadhla when she used to scold him. "Y-You want me to get people to safet--?"

Aoife shook her head. "No. I want you to inform everyone that you possibly can and evacuate along with them, dad."

"W-What about you, Aoife?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

His daughter smiled and shook her head as she placed both of her hands on the hilts of her swords at her sides. "There's no need to worry about me, father. I've trained for these sorts of things. I'll be fine."

Liam tussled the girl's straight auburn hair before faintly smiling at her. "Just don't die on me, Aoife."

"I won't." She smiled faintly, then grew serious. "Now, grab whatever is lightest for you to pack. You'll need basic things only. Relay that message to each civilian you come into contact with---we don't want another Wall to be lost to the Titans." Aoife unsheathed her swords and gave her father a glance that said, "I wish you the best of luck," as she took off toward the Wall.

Liam smiled. Do me proud, my daughter. The dark-haired man quickly ran back into his home, grabbed his necessities of the cream tunic and his dark brown slacks that Cadhla had sewn for him. Doing a quick glance around at his small home, he saw nothing else he'd needed, so he swiftly left.

I'll try to save as many lives as you, Aoife, he thought as he ran down the streets, knocking on each door and informing the residents to evacuate immediately and that the Wall had been breached.

Aoife glanced over her shoulder as she landed atop a rooftop ten meters away from where her father was and smiled at him. I won't let another innocent fall at the hands of those bastards. Closing her eyes, she gently nodded. You have my word, father.

Opening her eyes, she turned her attention back to the Wall and shot her left hip's grappling wire forward.

After swinging from building-to-building for little over a couple of minutes, a man shouted, "Hey," causing Aoife to come to an abrupt halt and land atop a roof next to the lad clad in Garrison Regiment attire.

She raised an inquiring eyebrow at him, yet said nothing.

He then stepped forward. "The Colossal Titan Response Operation is already underway! Return to HQ at once!"

She frowned in annoyance at the man. "I suppose I have no choice on the matter then; be sure to relay that message to my friend." She pointed her sword in the direction of the Wall. "She should be evacuating civilians from their homes at this very moment near there."

The man nodded then took off.

Another delay, she thought, how troublesome.

Arriving at HQ, Aoife looked around the room and spotted Sera in the far upper corner of it. She raced over to her side. "Did you manage to warn any of them?" she asked.

Sera glanced over at her, her brow furrowed. "Y-Yes," she said. "The ones nearest the Wall are headed to safety as we speak." She half-heartedly smiled and changed her damaged belt into an extra one that was lying on the table.

"It's a good thing we stayed back to fix some of these, eh?" Aoife said with a kind chuckle.

Sera nodded. "Yeah."

Her Wings of Freedom {Rewriting--Metamorphosis of Dispositon}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα